The videos below are the beginnings of Jeremiah’s prophecy regarding the gentiles discovering they were taught lies by their elite.
- Jeremiah 16:19 | O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.
VIDEO: TARTARIA – The Real Russians, Black People, Beefeaters, Hats, Hair – SAMFU
Notice the language trick in the modern day usage, “uniformed like a beefeater”.
Beefeater Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster
1 : a yeoman of the guard that forms part of an English monarch’s train on state occasions
2 : a warder of the tower of London uniformed like a beefeater
VIDEO: Gentiles Realizing They Have Inherited Lies Tartaria and Millennial Reign
Further Reading:
ARTICLE: Prebunking: The Hidden Art Of Edomite Psyops That Has Subtlety Been In Use For A Long Time
ARTICLE: Russian Icons: Southern Kingdom Israelites (So-Called Black People) Ruled Over Europe
ARTICLE: Synaxis of the Archangels Before It Was Painted Over During Edom’s Renaissance Period
ARTICLE: Christ Pantocrator, Image of the Messiah Before It Was Painted Over
ARTICLE: Shakespeare Is An Israelite (So-Called Black Man)
ARTICLE: Hebrew Artifcats Of The Native Indians In North, South And Central America