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Saturday, March 1, 2025


Advanced Topic Warning Read At Your Own Peril Spit Out the Bones Read With Discernment

These Ex-Satanist Testimonies Have So Much Wisdom To Teach, Timsimon Kimani, Erica Mukisa | Proverbs 11:9

One of the most informative, helpful and inspiring testimonies I've ever seen by men & women; highly recomend taking time to watch them all. ...

The Wicked Israelites Of Our Nation, The Men Of Sin Who Reject The New Covenant, Are Blotted Out Of The Book Of Life |...

These are the wicked, unrepentant men, who have and will, reject the New Covenant, even after receiving the law, and the testimonies and the...

The Process Of Repentance Explained As Moral Beauty | Psalms 51:17

Psalms 51:17 | The sacrifices of YAHAWAH are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O YAHAWAH, thou wilt not despise. "Those...

Jacob’s Trouble, Death & Suffering Of The Great Insurrection Is Not For The Elect, Who Sin Not | Revelation 20:6

Jacob's Trouble, which is the tremendous death & suffering of the Great Insurrection coming against our Nation is not for the Elect, who enter...

Inner Work: One Man’s Basic Framework Is Correct But The Concept Of “Personalities” Is A Modern Intrepration Of Demons | Ecclesiasticus 4:26

Cover image~men deeply depraved, consumed by wickedess, become like living corpses, see real life example image to the side, physical "age" and iniquty are...

Most Do Not Realize, Edom’s Doctor Office, Pharmaceutical Industry IS Witchcraft, Not True Healing | Revelation 9:21

*Advanced topic disclaimer* Spiritual (repentance, penitence) and physical (detoxification, abstention) purification is true healing. Pharmakeia / pharmacy = witchcraft, sorceries, which is a type of magic...

What Is Controlled Opposition? Many Brothers Suspect Tahar Of Great Millstone (GMS) And Vocab Malone Are Agents Working Together, Setup On The Left Hand...

More and more it seems to be revealed that many of the larger Hebrew Israelite camps in America (GMS - Great Millstone, IUIC -...

House Of Saul: Israelite Camps, Men Teaching That You Must “Go Through Them” | John 14:6

1 Timothy 2:5 | For there is one God, and one mediator between YAHAWAH and men, the man YAHAWASHI HA MASHIYACH;   VIDEO: Apostle Tahar...

King David Is Alive Today And Will Be Revealed To The Elect During Jacob’s Trouble | Jeremiah 30:9

Photo is of the King David Statue in Jerusalem, make note of the full lips and nose that was deliberately destroyed to hide our...

Count Saint Germain, Pythagoras: Israelites That Cultivated Extraordinary Spiritual Power | Galatians 5:22

Count Saint Germain and Pythagoras were two Israelites that cultivated extraordinary spiritual powers. As with most extraordinary alchemists, scholars, poets, musicians, etc. of antiquity...

The Golden Tractate Of Hermes Trismegistus (likely Moses) vs The Unspeakable Rites Of Edom’s Modern Day Witchcovens | Daniel 12:10

Image of Thutmoses III, take note of his skin color, which is the color of deification, Dr. Runoko Rashidi took this photo. Speaking as a...

The Original Roswell Alien Autopsy Film, Jamie Lee Curtis And How “Real Life” Psyops From The Nation Of Edom Are Borne | Micah 5:12

Older psychological operations (psyops) from the 50s and earlier are much easier to spot as obvious fakes because they aren't as well done as...

Discerning Spirits In Jacob’s Trouble: The Spirit Beareth Witness | 1 Corinthians 2:14

Romans 8:16 | The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of YAHAWAH: Being able to discern the spirit...

Our History As gods In Genesis and Why, To The Best Of Our Ability, We Are To Pass Over Minor Transgressions | Proverbs 19:11

Sabbath begins at sundown today (1/12/2023) and ends sundown tomorrow (1/13/2023).   Psalms 82:6 | I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you...

The Last Period In History We Ruled, Our Ancestors Fell Into Depravity, We Are Required To Repent For This | Leviticus 26:40

Like Europe was during the so-called Dark Ages,  which Edomite historians have desperately tried to cover up, East & Southeast Asia was originally a...

Physical Manifestation Of Sins On The Body & How To Heal Through Repentance & Confession | 1 John 1:9

*Note, this is an advanced topic that can be disturbing. This article additionally only scrathces the surface of this very deep subject matter* Any particular...

Grasping The Concept Of Multiple Dimensions Expands Faith & Understanding Of Our Holy Scriptures | James 1:5

Sirach 1:1 | All wisdom cometh from YAHAWAH, and is with him for ever. James 1:5 | If any of you lack wisdom,...

Jacob’s Trouble: The Most High Brings Death And Destruction Not Man, Fearing Any One Or Any Thing Else Is Sin | Exodus 15:3

*advanced topic disclaimer* Proverbs 9:10 |The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. As it...

Malleus Maleficarum PDF BOOK: Indoctrination That Esau-Edom’s Witch Covens Are Fake Must Begin As A Child | Psalms 64:5

*advanced topic disclaimer* PDF Download: Malleus Maleficarum (Witches Hammer) AUDOBOOK: Malleus Maleficarum (Witches Hammer) Looking back on childhood in the United States, it never made sense why,...

Intelligence Organizations, Elite Military So-Called Deep State And Other Alphabet Soup Groups Are Modern Day, Male Edomite Witch Covens | Isaiah 47:12

*advanced topic disclaimer, for those rooted in the faith, not newcomers* Title graphic from Floor 13 a 1991 DOS Game, worth looking into for some...

The Core Problem Is With Us As Israelites Even Though We Give Esau-Edom (Deservedly) A Bad Rap | Jeremiah 5:27

*Advanced topic disclaimer* 2 Esdras 6:56 | As for the other people which also come of Adam, thou hast said that they are nothing,...

Hatred, Anger Causes Our Current Bodies To Deteriorate & Age, Not The Concept Of Time, As Science Understands It | 1 John 3:4

Ecclesiasticus 10:18 | Pride was not made for men, nor furious anger for them that are born of a woman. From the "Mystery of...

The 6 Different Types of Devils/Demons, Their Servitude To Yahawah And Their Characteristics | 2 Chronicles 18:18

This article demonstrates how little power the wicked, Esau-Edom actually has save for what is mercifully given unto him by Yahawah, whether that be...

Esau Edom’s Fake Wars | John 8:44

VIDEO: WW2 Hoax Air Raids Be mindful of lies/deception, "re-writing" of history and pushing of propaganda, political theater, by Esau Edom to prop up empire in...
