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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Signs & Wonders | Roaring Comets, the Sky is on Fire | Gen 1:14


A lot of people can tell you the weather forecast for the week but can tell you we are in the end times.

The heavens (the sky in this instance as opposed to the heavenly dimension or place of rulership, depending on which part of scripture you are reading) are for signs of the times–the sun, the moon, the stars, chariots, comets, falling meteorites  etc. This wonder in Australia and Peru is one of many “light” indicators we are in the end times. For those that don’t catch on there will be a lot more intense ones to follow…

  • Genesis 1:14 – And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

For those of Yahsharahla that don’t catch on there will be a lot more intense ones to follow. In 0AD the 2/3rds received the sign of Jonas (ressurection), this time it will ultimately be destruction.

  • Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

The Sky Is on Fire: Very Bright Fireball Changes Night Into Day Over South Australia – Also in Peru (Videos and Pictures)

The sky is on fire!

And it looks like we have a potential rock-dropper in SA! And maybe in Peru too!

Huge meteor fireball turns night into day in South Australia on April 17, Huge meteor fireball turns night into day in South Australia on April 17 picture, Huge meteor fireball turns night into day in South Australia on April 17 videoHuge meteor fireball turns night into day in South Australia on April 17, 2020. Picture via Facebook

A bright meteor fireball exploded in the sky of South Australia, between Balgowan, SA and Moonta, SA around 3 A.M.

Night turned into day at exactly 2:54 A.M on April 17, 2020, local time.

Posted by Shannon Rodda on Thursday, April 16, 2020

As reported by numerous witnesses, the roaring space rock sounded like a jet plane flying really low! A few second after it went sonic before disappearing in a huge bang!

Posted by Shannon Rodda on Thursday, April 16, 2020

The video maker recalls: “I thought something landed on my roof! The whole house shook and the cameras on the shed also shook! When I went outside! I could hear a roar! I thought it was a jet.“

Another witness explains: “I saw that too. I was West bound on the Sturt hwy near Vic border. The fireball was huge and as it got closer you could literally see the flames.

“It was a bright white ball of fire and as it got closer to the ground you could see orange and red pieces breaking away during a good 3-5 secs.“

Meanwhile another bright fireball disintegrated in the sky over Peru. Here’s the video:

The sky is on fire! And you may expect always more bright fireballs as we get closer to the peak of the Lyrid meteor showers on April 22, 2020.



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