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Monday, March 3, 2025

Serial Killer Christopher Columbus Used Biblical Prophecies to Find the Israelites | Hab 2:16


Habakkuk 2:16 | Thou art filled with shame for glory: drink thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered: the cup of the LORD’S right hand shall be turned unto thee, and shameful spewing shall be on thy glory.

From the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia: https://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/1867-arzareth

The name of the land beyond the great river, far away from the habitation of man, in which the Ten Tribes of Israel will dwell, observing the laws of Moses, until the time of the restoration, according to IV Esd. xiii. 45. Columbus identified America with this land. (See Kayserling’s “Christopher Columbus,” translated by Dr. C. Gross, p. 15.)
The name, it has been suggested by Schiller-Szinessy, is taken from Deut. xxix. 24-27, “Because they forsook the covenant of the Lord . . . and went and served other gods . . . the Lord rooted them out of their land . . . and cast them into another land [ereẓ aḦeret] as this day.” This passage is made to refer (in Mishnah Sanh. x. 3) to the Ten Tribes (compare Tosef., Sanh. xiii. 12; Bab. ib. 110b; Yer. ib. x. 29c; Ab. R. N., ed. Schechter, A, xxxvi. 108, and Bacher, “Agada der Tannaiten,” i. 143). But different opinions are expressed by Akiba and Eliezer—the traditions are rather confused as to the names—whether the Ten Tribes may be expected to return or not, since this point is not determined in the Scriptural verse. One of them takes the words “as this day” to signify that “as the day goeth, but doth not return, so shall they who are cast off not return”; the other explains the words: “as the day begins with the darkness of the night, but turns into day, so shall the darkness of their banishment be turned into bright daylight” (Mishnah Sanh. l.c.). The fourth Book of Esdras took the latter view, which was adopted also by R. Judah ha-Nasi in the Tosefta (l.c.), who refers to Isa. xxvii. 13.


      • Schiller-Szinessy, in Journal of Philology, iii. 114;
      • Neubauer, Jew. Quart. Rev. i. 16.

From Christopher Columbus and the participation of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese discoveries: https://archive.org/details/cu31924020409656/page/n33/mode/2up

Later, in Spain, he read with religious zeal the tract on the Messiah, which was written by the proselyte Samuel Ibn Abbas of Morocco for the purpose of converting R. Isaac of Sujur- mente ; it had been translated into Spanish in 1339, and into Latin a hundred years later. This book interested Columbus so much that he excerpted three whole chapters.* He was also very fond of reading the Bible and the Fourth Book of Ezra, which was probably written by a Jew who lived outside of Palestine. According to his own asser- tion, the incentive that impelled him to plan his discoveries was not a love of science, but his interpretation of the prophecies of Isaiah.

From theghostdiaries: https://theghostdiaries.com/christopher-columbus-americas-first-serial-killer/

Christopher Columbus: America’s First Serial Killer

The title of this is provocative but true, and we’re launching our serial killer section with it. Today, America celebrates the life of its first mass serial killer, Christopher Columbus.

Most schoolchildren are taught early in school that Columbus is some kind of hero–the man who discovered America. The endurance of this lie in popular culture is testament to the powers of historical revisionism and cultural propaganda. Not only did Columbus NOT discover America, his reign as Viceroy of San Domingo was widely known to be one of the most brutal and genocidal regimes in human history.

Maybe this is not a surprise to you. Knowledge of it is far more widespread than it used to be, though some scholars still publicly deny it. But by way of hundreds of eye witness accounts documented in the 15th and 16th centuries and that which was recorded by friends and family, we know today Christopher Columbus and his men were responsible for the eradication of the Taíno Indians. In 1492, the year Columbus sailed the ocean blue, the indigenous population numbered around 8 million; only 4 years later, it was reduced to 3 million. Within fifty years of his arrival, they were considered extinct–wiped out by systematic slavery, pestilence, and murder.

From the moment they set foot on the New World, Columbus and his soldiers treated the peaceful Lucayan, Taíno, and Arawak as slaves. Thousands upon thousands were murdered for sport, hacked apart and tortured. Girls as young as 9 and 10 were sold into sexual slavery. Entire villages of people were wiped out indiscriminate of gender or age. Columbus instituted a law making every Taino Indian over the age of 14 produce a hawk’s bell of gold each year. If they didn’t, he cut off their hands and let them bleed to death.

This isn’t a conspiracy theory, nor is it Anti-western propaganda.

So this Columbus day, the Ghost Diaries encourages you to seize and burn all textbooks depicting Columbus as a hero. Statutes and monuments are to be shattered and destroyed. Newscasters and well-wishers who say “Happy Columbus Day!” must be hunted down, stripped of everything they love, humiliated, tortured and killed. That’s the way Columbus would have wanted it.

Sorry, dark post for a dark day…plus it’s Monday!

Sources used: Indians Are Us by Ward Churchill; Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong by James Loewen



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