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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Leprosy Reversal? | Lev 13:3


One recently publicized case involves Covid (doubtful) the other involves a liver transplant. Both possibly Israelites, who knows. A sign and a wonder to be sure.

Chinese Doctors’ Skin Turns “Very Dark” After Barely Surviving COVID-19

White man claims he’s turning black after liver transplant from African-American donor

  • Numbers 12:10 And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous.
  • 2 Kings 5:27 The leprosy therefore of Naaman shall cleave unto thee, and unto thy seed for ever. And he went out from his presence a leper as white as snow.
  • Lev 13:3 And the priest shall look on the plague in the skin of the flesh: and when the hair in the plague is turned white, and the plague in sight be deeper than the skin of his flesh, it is a plague of leprosy: and the priest shall look on him, and pronounce him unclean.


Chinese Doctors’ Skin Turns “Very Dark” After Barely Surviving COVID-19

Dr. Yi Fan and Dr. Hu Weifeng both survived coronavirus after being infected while treating patients in the city of Wuhan, where they both worked. But after they were placed on life support, their skin turned “very dark”.

Both doctors were diagnosed back in January while working at Wuhan’s central hospital and were eventually taken to the Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital and transferred twice as a result of their serious condition.

While initially the change in their skin color was attributed to a hormonal imbalance after their livers had reportedly been damaged by the virus, another doctor suspected that it could have been as a result of one of the drugs they received during the beginning of their treatment, according to the NY Post.

“When I first gained consciousness, especially after I got to know about my condition, I felt scared. I had nightmares often,” Dr. Yi said after spending 39 days on life support.

Hu remains bedridden, which he has been for 99 days, after undergoing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy from February 7 to March 22. He only recently regained the ability to speak, on April 11. 

Hu’s doctor says he’s expected to change back to his normal color when his liver function improves.

Both doctors coincidentally “happened” to have worked with whistleblower Dr. Li Wenliang, who died of the illness on February 7.


White man claims he’s turning black after liver transplant from African-American donor

A white man who was given a new liver from an African-American donor has claimed that his skin is starting to turn black since the operation.

Semen Gendler was in urgent need of a liver after he was diagnosed with hepatitis C and cancer.

The 65-year-old inventor was told by doctors his only hope was a liver transplant.

After speaking with contacts in the United States, he arranged to fly there from his home in Krasnodar in the Krasnodar Krai, south-western Russia, to have the operation.

No details have been given about the circumstances under which a Russian was eligible for a transplant in the United States, where there is reportedly a shortage of donors.

However, an insider said it could be possible if he had a home the US, and there were options of having a partial liver transplant from a living donor or accepting a non-ideal liver which would make a transplant easier to obtain.

Male liver

Body blow: Doctors said Semen’s only hope was a liver transplant when he diagnosed with hepatitis C and cancer (Image: Getty)

Mr Gendler said: “Russian doctors made it quite clear to me that if I didn’t have a liver transplant I would not live.

“I do a lot of business in the US with partners in New York, and I asked them to help me arrange for the operation where if you have enough money it is possible to do it more quickly than in Russia.

“Fortunately I was able to afford the cost of the $500,000 [£325,000] operation, in Russia I would have had to wait too long for a donor.”

He said that he had been initially delighted at having the liver of a 38-year-old and added that it had given him a new lease of life.

But he said he thought his former KGB colleague Igor Atamanenko was joking when he noticed that he seemed to be changing colour.

Igor told Russian media: “I noticed that his skin was getting darker. When he told me they had given him the liver of an African-American man, I guess that was probably the reason for the colour change.

Human Liver

Aftermath: Semen says he’s now so full of energy and living between two cities that he’s just thankful for his new liver (Image: Nasa/Getty)

“I have known my friend for years and he has always been if anything extremely pale, and now for the first time ever he is becoming dark skinned.”

For his part Gendler also states that his skin is changing colour but says it doesn’t trouble him unduly.

He said: “I could end up much darker than this to be honest, I don’t care. The main thing is that the liver works and I am healthy.

“It’s incredible, I am now so full of energy and living between two cities in New York and Krasnodar and if my skin ends up dark who cares, I certainly don’t.”

He said that he had never been somebody to go out in the sun much and had always avoided it even after the transplant which meant he didn’t believe a suntan was the reason for the change in colour of his skin.

He believes it is much more likely the fact that he had an organ transplant although admits his doctors have struggled to come up with an explanation as to exactly how the liver is changing his colour.



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