Dry Fast Podcast Testimonial & Experience
Topics covered include dry fasting and liver flushing curing cold limbs and cold patches in the body, the dangers of drinking chilled beverages and eating cold foods, demonic attack dreams, effective sulfur detox supplements like garlic, MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) & ALA (Alpha-Lipoic Acid), body odor/sweating to release toxins during detox, baking soda & borax baths (outside of dry fasts), the purpose of sweating is to first and foremost excrete toxins not to cool the body as western medicine teaches and how parasites move into an area of heavy metal toxicity or acidic stagnation and then proceed to not only perpetuate but increase the acidity in the surrounding area.
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Yes, Sweating Does Release Toxins From Your Body
When it comes to your health, sometimes the simplest strategies can have a tremendous impact. Sweating in a sauna is one simple change with many health benefits, including the ability to reduce cardiovascular risk and improve mitochondrial function. It also correlates well with a reduction in the risk for dementia.
A Finnish proverb says, “The sauna is Finland’s medication … and a poor [person’s] apothecary.”1 Saunas have been used for nearly 2,000 years in Finland for stress relief and to improve health. Not surprisingly, much of the research on the health benefits of saunas comes from Finland, a country where saunas are nearly as common as television sets.2 They’re often found in private homes, offices and factories, and are an integral part of Finnish life.
In addition to offering cardiovascular and neurological benefits, they are being used by athletes for post-workout muscle relaxation and as a means of improving athletic performance. Another important aspect to sauna use has been detoxification. While there has been more than adequate research demonstrating the ability of sweating in a sauna to detoxify the body of heavy metals and other toxins, one letter published in the Journal Environmental International has renewed the debate over its effectiveness.3
Sweating Does Release Toxins From Your Body
Mixed with your sweat is a substance called urea, for which urine is named. In a paper published8 in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, researchers estimated up to 1.12 milligrams (mg) of urea is dissolved in every cubic centimeter of sweat. While this sounds like a small amount, the average person sweats up to 700 cubic centimeters of liquid each day, which means urea excreted in your sweat is responsible for up to 7 percent of your daily elimination of urea.9
Research has also determined that metals are excreted in measurable amounts, and many researchers consider sweating a safe and effective way to eliminate arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury.10 This meta-analysis considered 24 published studies in which sweat collection and concentration were analyzed. They found individuals with a higher burden of toxins would generally sweat amounts exceeding plasma or urine concentrations.
These studies determined dermal excretion through sweating could match or surpass urinary excretion. Notably, cadmium was more concentrated in sweat than in blood plasma and mercury levels could be normalized with repeated sauna use.11 Another study evaluated the blood, urine and sweat from 20 individuals and analyzed them for approximately 120 compounds, which were found in varying amounts in each of the different fluids. According to the authors:12
“Many toxic elements appear to be preferentially excreted through sweat. Presumably stored in tissues, some toxic elements readily identified in the perspiration of some participants were not found in their serum. Induced sweating appears to be a potential method for elimination of many toxic elements from the human body.”
Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a ubiquitous chemical contaminant associated with a number of adverse human health conditions. In a study designed to assess the relative concentration of BPA in blood, urine and sweat, researchers found BPA could be identified in the sweat or 80 percent of the participants, even in some who had no BPA detected in serum, blood or urine.13
They concluded biomonitoring using blood or urine may underestimate the total burden, and sweat analysis should be considered as it appeared to be useful for elimination of BPA.
Chemicals in the phthalate family are found in everyday consumer products, resulting in high exposure for some individuals and groups. Multiple studies have demonstrated statistically significant relationships between exposure to phthalates and disease. In one study,14researchers evaluated the effectiveness of excretion of phthalates and metabolites through sweat.
They found some phthalates were measurable in sweat but not serum suggesting retention and bioaccumulation. They concluded induced perspiration could be useful to facilitate elimination of toxic phthalate compounds, and that sweat analysis may help establish the existence of the bioaccumulation of 2-ethylhexl phthalate.15
SOURCE: https://organicconsumers.org/yes-you-do-sweat-out-toxins/
Reflexology of the feet
Reflexology: The Secret To Balancing Our Qi
How much thought do you really give your feet? They work hard, day after day, and until they start hurting we don’t really think about them at all!
Our feet mirror our general health, and it is believed that certain parts of the foot are linked to other organs and parts of the body. The initial symptoms of conditions like arthritis, diabetes, for example, can show in your feet!
Chinese practitioners have practiced reflexology for over 3000 years! They use it to balance Qi and then treat many conditions. Reflexology helps improve vitality, general wellbeing and promotes healing.
If you are suffering from pain or illness, reflexology could help you, it is the most popular of all alternative therapies.
What is reflexology?
The theory behind it is that we have reflex areas on our feet, which correspond to specific organs or parts of the body other than the feet, the tips of the toes reflect the head while The heart and the chest are around the ball of the foot. The liver, pancreas and kidneys are in the arch of the foot and Lower back and intestines are towards the heel.
We have over 7000 nerve endings in each foot, and reflexology targets these nerve endings. A reflexologist can help the energy flow through the body to treat the affected areas.
Specific fingers, a thumb or hand techniques are used with deep pressure, in most cases, on the foot’s reflex areas. This allows blood, lymph and nerve flow to the specific area needing treatment. This reduces pain and muscle tension as it helps the body’s natural detox and healing process.
Sometimes it hurts, especially if the reflex area is congested.
After a few sessions you should experience less pain, and the condition you are treating will improve. A good reflexologist will adapt pressure used depending on the patient’s pain level threshold, and will also show the patient how to breathe properly, which releases endorphins helping to alleviate any pain or discomfort.
What are the benefits?
Reflexology can be used for so many different conditions and ailments, stress relief and relaxation, to improve your circulation, help relieving pain and to help stimulate the nervous and immune system.
If you suffer from allergies, migraines, depression, back pain, arthritis, sinus problems, asthma, and insomnia – to name a few – reflexology could be of a huge help to you.
Most people describe a profound sense of relaxation and increased energy following their session.
Source: https://www.thespiritscience.net/2016/05/25/reflexology-the-secret-to-balancing-our-qi/