Revelation 6:4 | And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
As exemplified in this tweet, the red horse of Revelation has taken peace from the earth. The red horse of revelation is a metaphor for the nation of Edom (fathered by Esau who was born red all over–Genesis 25:25–because he was cursed with leprosy i.e. deficient in melanin–Numbers 12:10).
The Edomite Empire is known today as the NATO+EU countries, lead by the United States (military power), the United Kingdom/London (financial power) & the Vatican (false prophet).
The great sword described in Revelation 6:4 is a metaphor for Esau-Edom’s military strength which he uses to torments all the nations of the earth as shown in the tweeted by the man of Moab (China).