To better understand how Israelites behave vs heathen nations, requires the ability to discern which group is being spoken about in the scriptures. In...
We will go through tribulation when returning to, and, serving Yahawah ba ha sham Yahawashi (Yahawah in the name of Yahawashi).
Act 14:22 Confirming...
Reincarnation (n.) 1829, "from re- "back, again" + incarnation. Meaning "in the flesh, a new embodiment" is from 1854.
John the Baptist was Elijah...
The Nationality a man (or woman) is determined by the seed/spirit of his father. Skin color does not determine nationality, although it is suggestive.
Deuteronomy 28 sets forth the blessings and curses the Israelites receive based on their adherence or disobedience to their covenant with the Most High....
Deuteronomy 28 sets forth the blessings and curses the Israelites receive based on their adherence or disobedience to their covenant with the Most High....