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Thursday, March 27, 2025


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Shabbat Shalawam Singapore, China & Indonesia, Many Of You Are Actually Israelites | Romans 2:26

Shabbat Shalawam Singapore & Indonesia (sundown 7/1/2023 to 7/2/2023 sundown). As it is written and prophesied Israelites, our brothers and sisters, are scattered to...

The Adversay Is the Devil, Not The Heathen Nations, Not Edomites, Not Wicked Israelites, Not Man | 1 Peter 5:8

Archangel Michael. Byzantine Icon...National Gallery of Art Washington DC... ...   Devils, led by Satan, work through man and corrupt man but man is not the...

Satan Is An Extremely Powerful Sylph; A Guide To Demons a.k.a. Elementals – Salamanders, Sylphs, Undines and Gnomes | Ephesians 2:2

Although we have (highly limited now) capacity to do this of our own accord, my understanding is that other forces that direct the elements...

The Wicked Israelites Of Our Nation, The Men Of Sin Who Reject The New Covenant, Are Blotted Out Of The Book Of Life |...

These are the wicked, unrepentant men, who have and will, reject the New Covenant, even after receiving the law, and the testimonies and the...

Holy Conversation Among The Brotherhood Expounded Upon In Ancient Samurai, Bushido Texts | 2 Peter 3:11

2 Peter 3:11 | Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all...

Wisdom Only Comes Forth From Our Ancestors’ Holy Scriptures | Isaiah 34:16

If you are seeking greater levels of wisdom, continue reading, reflecting on, living by and speaking of our Holy Scriptures. Sirach 1:1 | All...

We Bless Others; Not Curse Out, Reproach And Spiritually Devour Brothers | Galatians 5:15

As it written (repeatedly so), speaking evil of Brothers, cursing out brethren, seeking to destroy Ahchyam, is worldly behavior we must stop as we...

Love Is An Explicit Commandment From Our Lord | John 13:34

John 15:12 | This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. 13Greater love hath no man than...

Up Until The Last Hundred Years, It Was Common Knowledge That The Native Americans Were The Northern Kingdom Israelites | Luke 8:17

View of the Hebrews (Or The Tribes Of Israeli In America) is an 1823 book written by Ethan Smith, a United States Congregationalist minister,...

Dry Fasting Is The Type Of Fasting Referred To In The Scriptures | Exodus 34:28

Dry fasting is the type of fasting referred to in the scriptures. When you read fast it is specifically a dry fast, not a...

As It Is Written, Trust Only In Yahawah & His Word, Never Trust In Man | Proverbs 3:5

As it is written, trust only in Yahawah & his Word, which is Yahawashi. Deuteronomy 28:14 | And thou shalt not go aside from...

Calling Heaven Down To Earth Is The Next Step | Matthew 6:10

One of the next steps for the Saints (defined as the men of the nation of Israel, holy and sanctified unto Yahawah), after entering...

Why We Were Commanded To Be Separate From The Heathen: Dalai Lama Kisses Little Boy & Tells Him To “Suck His Tongue” | Exodus...

TWITTER: Dalai Lama Kisses Little Boy & Tells Him To "Suck His Tongue" This is why the Most High Yahawah, commanded us to be separate...

Example Of A Young Israelite Woman (And Her Father) Who Would Normally Be Mistaken For Heathen | Jeremiah 9:16

Romans 8:16 | The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:   VIDEO: Kayleigh Clark Full Performance &...

Shalawam, The Passover Starts At Sundown Today April 4th | Numbers 9:4

Passover begins 4/4/2023 sundown and ends 4/11/2023 sundown. This feast recognizes the perfect sacrifice our Messiah, Yahawashi made, in order to adopt us back...

This Is What An Israelite In Germany Looks Like | Psalms 50:2

Below is an example of a German Israelite. VIDEO 1: 19-year-old Amazes Jury! Alexander Eder Sings Your Man By Josh Turner The Voice of Germany *take...

This Is What An Israelite In Norway Looks Like | Jeremiah 23:3

This is an example of a "Norwegian" Israelites in the modern day, End Times VIDEO #1: Magnus Bokn The Voice Norge 2017 VIDEO #2: Idol Norge...

The Psalms Sounded 🔥🔥🔥; King David Prophesied Of The New Covenant As The New Song | Matthew 5:13

The Psalms (lyrics to songs) were not some dead sounding hymns sung by Edomites in their "church", there Psalms are emotionally moving pieces with...

Some Heathen Will Cleave To The Israelites…Ruth, Rehab, Achior Did; Being A Heathen Does Not Necessarily Make Someone An Enemy | Isaiah 11:14

Matthew 5:44 | But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you,...

Israelites Scattered All Over The Earth, Including Those That Look Like The Heathen Nations, Will Enter Into The New Covenant | Isaiah 11:12

Isaiah prophesies of the End Times, including the returning of the scattered Elect among the heathen nations (that also look like the heathen through...

The 1West Israelites, Starting With GMS, Great Millstone, Scatter Yahawashi’s Flock | Jeremiah 23:1

Revelation 2:2 | I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil:...

The New Covenant Is Not An Excuse To Sin Or Avoid Keeping The Law | Galatians 3:24

VIDEO: @SpiritualLifeLesson--We establish the law! Although we cannot keep the law perfectly in these fleshly bodies, avoid sin to the best of your ability and...

To Enter Into The New Covenant You Must Have Faith In This One Simple Truth | Ephesians 1:7

The New Covenant is in effect now for the Elect of the Nation of Israel and it grants us grace, through faith in Yahawashi's...

At Some Point You Have To Start Largely Ignoring Edom And Focus That Attention On Israel (Yahsharahla) | 2 Esdras 9:13

Your attention, your thoughts are a form of energy and a form of currency. Studying & breaking down all the lies, all the wickedness of...

What Is The Strait Gate? How Do We Receive The Holy Spirit? | Luke 13:24

To begin the process of receiving the Holy Spirit, first enter into the New Covenant through faith in the sacrifice of Yahawashi which cleanses...

Video Of The Filth That Flows From GMS (Great Millstone) And The Other “1West” Israelite Camps | Matthew 7:20

VIDEO: Qam HA AHLAHAYAM See video above: a corrupt tree bringing forth corrupt fruit, while claiming to be righteous. These wicked men who lead GMS...

Ministers Of The New Covenant | 2 Corinthians 3:6

2 Corinthians 3:6 | Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit:...

The Spiritual Mind Of The New Covenant Opposes The Carnal Mind Of The Old Covenant | Galatians 3:24

Great lesson from Brother Qam Yachal on what it means to be spiritually minded and how it is part and parcel of our walk...

There Is No Dictatorship In The Tabernacle Of David VS The Modern Day Sanhedrin Which Lords Over Men | Matthew 23:11

Luke 9:46 | Then there arose a reasoning among them, which of them should be greatest. 47And YAHAWASHI, perceiving the thought of their...

Calling Yourself “The Hopeful Elect” Is Not The Same As Knowing You Are Of The Elect | Matthew 20:16

VIDEO: The Lord told certain Men they were called & chosen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jFWDaDm1NQ Matthew 20:16 | So the last shall be first, and the first last:...

The Degeneracy Of The “One West” Israelites And The Camps That Spawned Out From Them (Great Millstone, IUIC, ISUPK) | Acts 5:38

VIDEO: Truth Concerning The False Prophet High Priest Ahrayah Ezekiel 33:13 | When I shall say to the righteous, that he shall surely live;...

The Growing Rift Between Israelite Camps And The Silent Majority Of Hebrew Israelites | Mark 7:7

VIDEO: The Transition Of Power From The House Of Saul To David Around the 20minute mark @SpiritualLifeLesson correctly points out that Tahar, who is the...

Understanding The New Covenant

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xhnPyuQADM VIDEO: SpiritualLifeLesson YT

The New Covenant Requires Change | Romans 12:1

A good lesson below (watch the whole thing, kicks off around the 20min mark) on how the New Covenant requires change in our mindset...

You Cannot Say But I Was Told By Others To Do Thus…Or That Virtue Was Not Convenient At The Time | Philippians 2:12

Your soul is in your own keeping; no other man keeps it for you, hence the quote in the video above "...you cannot say...

The Elect Need Not Fight, Nor Revenge Themeslves Of Others, The Most High Yahawah Fights Our Battles For Us | Exodus 14:14

The Most High Yahawah made our responsibilities as the Elect simple: believe upon Yahawashi's sacrifice, love Yahawah in the name of Yahawashi with all...

The Great Rift Forming: Hebrew Israelites In America Increasingly Tired Of And Reject Camps Like Great Millstone (GMS) | Matthew 7:23

  VIDEO: More On The Transition Of Power From Saul To David   House Of David Israelites who teach that we are covered under the New Covenant,...

The New Covenant Came Into Force With Yahawashi’s Death, The Elect Come Into It Through Faith In Him | Ephesians 2:8

Ephesians 2:8 | For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9...

The Modern Day House of Saul Is Here Teaching: Leadership Of Various Israelite Camps In America: GMS, IUIC, ISUPK etc. | Matthew 20:16

Jeremiah 23:16 | Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make...

House Of Saul: Israelite Camps, Men Teaching That You Must “Go Through Them” | John 14:6

1 Timothy 2:5 | For there is one God, and one mediator between YAHAWAH and men, the man YAHAWASHI HA MASHIYACH;   VIDEO: Apostle Tahar...

King David Is Alive Today And Will Be Revealed To The Elect During Jacob’s Trouble | Jeremiah 30:9

Photo is of the King David Statue in Jerusalem, make note of the full lips and nose that was deliberately destroyed to hide our...

American Indians Are Northern Kingdom Israelites | Baruch 2:30

American Indians such as the Navajo, Cherokee, Blackfeet, Creek / Muskogee, Iroquois / Haudenosaunee, Pueblo, Apache, Choctaw, Chippewa / Ojibwe, Sioux, etc. are Israelites...

Shabbat Shalawam: 1/28/2023 Sundown to 1/29/2023 Sundown | Many Italians Are Israelites + Andrew Tate Family Photo Analysis

More information about the Sabbath posted at the link in the top menu and here: When Is The Sabbath? Photo of an Italian couple: Many Italians...

Creation: The Ahlahayam Sung Our Universe Into Existence | Genesis 1:3

Inspiration for thought at the article below: ARTICLE: Ultimate anti-aging remedy is ultrasound therapy? Sound waves show ‘fountain of youth’ effect on cells As it is...

The Willie Lynch letter Is The Original Edomite Science Of Turning God’s Chosen People Into Wretched Slaves | Habakkuk 2:15

PDF DOWNLOAD: the_willie_lynch_letter_the_making_of_a_slave The Willie Lynch Letter is the fruit of an evil nation of people. Modern day 'scholar' of Edom might describe it as...

The Golden Tractate Of Hermes Trismegistus (likely Moses) vs The Unspeakable Rites Of Edom’s Modern Day Witchcovens | Daniel 12:10

Image of Thutmoses III, take note of his skin color, which is the color of deification, Dr. Runoko Rashidi took this photo. Speaking as a...

The Original Roswell Alien Autopsy Film, Jamie Lee Curtis And How “Real Life” Psyops From The Nation Of Edom Are Borne | Micah 5:12

Older psychological operations (psyops) from the 50s and earlier are much easier to spot as obvious fakes because they aren't as well done as...

Mount Seir Is Synonymous With Edom, Esau Is Edom | Genesis 36:8

Genesis 36:8 | Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir: Esau is Edom. Ezekiel 35:2 | Son of man, set thy face against mount...

The Messiah, Yahawashi, Was Born With Melanated Skin, Not Leprosy | Numbers 12:12

The eyebags in the image above are a BAD look, righteous people generally do not have those.... ARTICLE: Physical Manifestation Of Sins On The Body   ...

Our Divine, Biblical Wisdom Is Greater Than The Sum Total Of All Esoteric Wisdom | Ecclesiasticus 19:22

"As above so below" and other secret wisdom, known as universal laws, is often bandied about by the nation of Edom (and their various...

The Nature Of The Hebrew Calendar | Ecclesiasticus 43:8

See the latestest information at the link in the top menu. This page is a work in progress. Nature Of The True Hebrew Vs The False...

When Is The True Sabbath | Ecclesiasticus 43:6

See the latestest information at the link in the top menu. Date Of The Sabbath & New Moon Days In short the Sabbath is a day...

The Last Period In History We Ruled, Our Ancestors Fell Into Depravity, We Are Required To Repent For This | Leviticus 26:40

Like Europe was during the so-called Dark Ages,  which Edomite historians have desperately tried to cover up, East & Southeast Asia was originally a...

We Are To Worship Yahawashi Also, The Heir, First And Only Spirit Born Of Yahawah | Hebrews 1:3

Yahawashi is the express image of our father, Yahawah. Worshipping Yahawahi is worshiping Yahawah. Worshipping any other image or likeness is idolatry. John 14:7...

Day Of Adversity Hebrew Prayer | Luke 21:36

Luke 21:36 | Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come...

Grasping The Concept Of Multiple Dimensions Expands Faith & Understanding Of Our Holy Scriptures | James 1:5

Sirach 1:1 | All wisdom cometh from YAHAWAH, and is with him for ever. James 1:5 | If any of you lack wisdom,...

Jacob’s Trouble: The Most High Brings Death And Destruction Not Man, Fearing Any One Or Any Thing Else Is Sin | Exodus 15:3

*advanced topic disclaimer* Proverbs 9:10 |The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. As it...

The Core Problem Is With Us As Israelites Even Though We Give Esau-Edom (Deservedly) A Bad Rap | Jeremiah 5:27

*Advanced topic disclaimer* 2 Esdras 6:56 | As for the other people which also come of Adam, thou hast said that they are nothing,...

There Is No Salvation By Calling On Any Other Names, Yahawah In The Name Of Yahawashi | Acts 4:12

The correct names are Yahawah, our Most High God and, Yahawashi, his Word and the Messiah of the Chosen Nation of Israel. Yahawah =...

The 6 Different Types of Devils/Demons, Their Servitude To Yahawah And Their Characteristics | 2 Chronicles 18:18

This article demonstrates how little power the wicked, Esau-Edom actually has save for what is mercifully given unto him by Yahawah, whether that be...

Israelite Men & Women Are And Will Be Saved Differently | 1 Timothy 2:15

For the sincere men of the Lord, who are using this grace period to return to our heritage, know that our power Yahawah, in...

So-Called Vaccine Death Twirls, SADS, Grand Mal Seizures, Tonic Clonics, Falling Sickness And Modern Day Demonic Possession | Luke 9:42

Scriptural references to death and injury by fear and/or demonic attacks: Wisdom of Solomon 17:15 | Were partly vexed with monstrous apparitions, and partly...

Understanding The Mindset Of the 2/3rds Israelites | 2 Thessalonians 2:11

VIDEO LINK: Understanding The Mindset Of the 2/3rds Israelites   As it is written there are Israelites that the Most High does not want to come...

Great Persecution On The Israelites Is Prophecy And Is Coming | John 15:20

Lesson on the coming persecution from: YT Channel GMS Awakening 144 Ha Ahmawan Gabbar The Wisdom of Sirach in the apocrypha instructs perfectly on how...

The Image Of Messiah and Most High God of Israel | Revelation 1:14

Revelation 1:14 | His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of...

What Should I Do Now? | 1 Timothy 4:13

1 Timothy 4:13 | Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Read, study & keep the scriptures (which yields fruits...

Israelite Women Returning Back To Order, Repenting From Esau-Edom’s Ways | Genesis 3:4

Eve (Israelite women) waking up to the serpent (Esdau-Edom) and his lies. The apple from the tree is an allegory for the ways and...

The Fractal Universe, Biblical Allegory & Symoblic Breakdowns From Our Forefather Moses Maimonides | Psalms 104:24

The universe we live in, like the Bible is in one sense, a harmonious fractal of ever repeating patterns with increasing and decreasing levels...

The Amalakites Are Literally Telling You Your Israelite Identify Was Stolen By Them | Psalms 64:8

Revelation 3:9 | Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do...

So-Called Schizophrenia: Understanding Oppression By Devils in Modern Day (The End Times) | Matthew 17:21

Video: What Schizophrenia Feels Like Ephesians 6:12 | For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of...

Israelites Have Rhythm, Hamites Don’t, We Are Not So-Called “Africans” (This is an African/Hamite) | Act 21:38

Most West Africans are Israelites, East Africans are more likely to be Hamites; however, as it is written in the Bible, Israelites were confused...

Honor Your Father & Mother | Exodus 20:12

Honoring, respecting and obeying your father and mother in accordance with the scriptures is love--NOT how Esau-Edom's world claims is love. For love is...

Faith & Works: What To Strive For And How To Do It | Matthew 5:16

Faith Hebrews 11:6 | But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to YAHAWAH must believe that he is, and...

谁是美洲黑人说的 Hebrew Israelites (希伯来的伊斯拉埃利特)?

Lou Jing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ewku... Ding Hui: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6kBq... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6kBq... Ariana Miyamoto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-5sH... "Blacks" (Hebrew Israelites) in Ancient Chinese Art, Statues: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2B8h... "Black" & Cambodian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1iBJ...     Further Research: Shabbat Shalawam Singapore, China & Indonesia,...

Video: Edomites Are Understandably Scared But See That Ye, As Israelites, Be Not Troubled By The Coming Evils | Matthew 24:6

See that you are not troubled at the great evils the Most High will bring upon the 2/3rds Israelites (Zechariah 13:8) and the heathen...

Entreat Scoffers And Scorners Whether Heathen or Israelite With Compassion | Luke 6:27

Medieval  Painting: Fieravino Francesco Il Maltese Allegory of Music Italy (c. 1670s) Oil on Canvas The scoffers and sconers of the Word of Yahawash, who...

Repentence Involves 3 Points | Luke 13:5

As we speed faster and faster towards the end of the Edomites reign and the eternal reign of the Holy Israelites in the Kingdom...

List of Clean vs Unclean Foods | Leviticus 11:2

Suggested Israelite diet linked here Laws of clean and unclean foods below and (partially) in the graphic above. *Note the graphic does not indicate that hybridized...

“Japanese” and “Portuguese” Israelites That Look Like The Heathen (non-Israelite) Nations | Deuteronomy 28:64

Here are 2 examples of an Israelite strangers from Japan and Portugal, that look like they are of the heathen nations. By Israelite strangers...

Are Most Men & Women of the Caribbean Israelites? | Jeremiah 16:15

Yes, a mix of the Southern Kingdom from the Americas slave trade and the Northern Kingdom from their earlier migration to the Americas, where...

Example Of A So-Called White Man That Is An Israelite But Looks Like An Edomite | Romans 8:16

At the link below is an example of an Israelite that looks like an Edomite--he gets some things wrong and some things right in...

Russian Icons: Southern Kingdom Israelites (So-Called Black People) Ruled Over Europe | Job 9:24

Job 9:24 | The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: he covereth the faces of the judges thereof; if not, where,...

Celebrating Birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day Are Wicked Heathen Customs | Amos 5:21

See graphic above. Birthday celebrations are of the ways and customs of the heathen. It is a form of is self-glorification, and as Israelites,...

Are Most West Africans Israelites? | Matthew 24:15

Yes, this is where a portion of the Southern Kingdom fled to (in addition to Modern Day Europe+Russia+Asia) and went on to establish empires...

Are Most Central & South Americans Israelites? | Matthew 13:24

Yes, generally from the Northern Kingdom who Esau categorized as Aztecs, Incas, Mayans, Latinos, Native Americans, etc. However, there are also many of the...

Who Are The Strangers We Are To Love? How Do We Love? | Deuteronomy 10:19

Deuteronomy 10:19 | Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. We, the Israelites, are the strangers referenced in...

HIRC Forum is Live, Link Within | Matthew 18:20

See the following link below for the HIRC Forum. You are invited to suggest topics, ask questions, share testimonies, images, video, news articles, etc....

3 Helpful Books of the Bible Which Show How to Live Righteously & Make Decisions + 3 Chapters Above Them All | Luke 11:28

3 great books for general life advice and decision making I keep coming back to weekly are: Wisdom of Sirach/Ecclesiasticus, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. The...

Job Prophesies A Nation of Foolish Degenerates to Rule Over Israelites Today: Dr. Birx Admits She, Fauci Made Up ‘The Science’ On Lockdowns, Social...

Here Job, a prophet, speaks to the nature of Edomites, the current ruling nation of people in the End Times. He states that he...

S. E. Suzar: Blacked Out Through Whitewash | Psalms 83:4

Continuing of the theme Esau with the heathen seeking to destroy the heritage, culture and connection of the Holy Nation of the Israelites to...

Testimony From An Israelite Princess, A “So-Called Filipina” By Edom | Romans 8:16

Romans 8:16 | The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:   Revelation 1:3 | Blessed is...

Who are the Saints According to the Bible? | Psalms 148:14

The Saints are the Israelite men. Our Holy Scriptures pertain to one nation of people, our people, which was generarted from the royal bloodline...

The Lord’s Prayer | Matthew 6:9

The Lord's Prayer spoken in Hebrew Matthew 6:6 | But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door,...

Hebrew Prayer | Matthew 6:9

Prayer of the Messiah, Yahawashi in Hebrew Mathew Chapter 6 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy...

Hebrew: Yahawah Ba Ha Sham Yahawashi

Hebrew reads from right to left (English and other romance languages are backwards): Yahawah: the name of our Heavenly Father, name of God Ba Ha Sham:...

Leperous (white) Hand of Moses | Exo 4:6

Leprousy is described as white skin, yellow hair and low follicle count, throughout the first books of the Bible. Leprousy is desribed as a...

Who Are The Edomites Today? | Obadiah 1:3

2 Esdras 6:9 | For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth. According to prophecy,...

Beards of the Nation of Israel | Leviticus 19:27

Exodus 19:6 And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak...

Gigantic Chariots, Deadly Chariots, Invading Chariots | 2 Esdras 13:3

The chariots can be the size of cities or even larger than the earth. Shapes vary (Zec 5:1-elongated, Ezekiel 1:16-circular) 2 Esdras 13:3 And...

Chariot Sightings Skyrocket | Red Orbs From Virginia To Nevada | Exo 13:21

Exodus 13:21 | And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by...


Understanding The New Covenant