Archangel Michael. Byzantine Icon...National Gallery of Art Washington DC... ...
Devils, led by Satan, work through man and corrupt man but man is not the...
What Is The Schumann Resonance?
Schumann Resonance Wiki
"The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of...
The videos below are the beginnings of Jeremiah's prophecy regarding the gentiles discovering they were taught lies by their elite.
Jeremiah 16:19 | O...
The Spirit is on , this is a great lesson from Brother Ahwar.
VIDEO: SpiritualLifeLesson Ahwar, Minister of the New Covenant
ARTICLE: Calling Heaven Down To...
Passover begins 4/4/2023 sundown and ends 4/11/2023 sundown. This feast recognizes the perfect sacrifice our Messiah, Yahawashi made, in order to adopt us back...
Below is an example of a German Israelite.
VIDEO 1: 19-year-old Amazes Jury! Alexander Eder Sings Your Man By Josh Turner The Voice of Germany
Isaiah prophesies of the End Times, including the returning of the scattered Elect among the heathen nations (that also look like the heathen through...
VIDEO: @SpiritualLifeLesson--We establish the law!
Although we cannot keep the law perfectly in these fleshly bodies, avoid sin to the best of your ability and...
VIDEO: The Lord told certain Men they were called & chosen
Matthew 20:16 | So the last shall be first, and the first last:...
*Advanced topic disclaimer*
Spiritual (repentance, penitence) and physical (detoxification, abstention) purification is true healing.
Pharmakeia / pharmacy = witchcraft, sorceries, which is a type of magic...
The Most High Yahawah made our responsibilities as the Elect simple: believe upon Yahawashi's sacrifice, love Yahawah in the name of Yahawashi with all...
American Indians such as the Navajo, Cherokee, Blackfeet, Creek / Muskogee, Iroquois / Haudenosaunee, Pueblo, Apache, Choctaw, Chippewa / Ojibwe, Sioux, etc. are Israelites...
Count Saint Germain and Pythagoras were two Israelites that cultivated extraordinary spiritual powers. As with most extraordinary alchemists, scholars, poets, musicians, etc. of antiquity...
Inspiration for thought at the article below:
ARTICLE: Ultimate anti-aging remedy is ultrasound therapy? Sound waves show ‘fountain of youth’ effect on cells
As it is...
The video below breaks down the precursory process to persecution of the Hebrew Israelites. In short, propaganda from Edom (lead by Amalek, Exodus 17:16)...
More Information At The Link In The Top Menu, Also Posted Here: When Is The Sabbath?
Photo Background: Familia Mexicana
Many modern day Mexicans are Israelites,...
More Information At The Link In The Top Menu, Also Posted Here: When Is The Sabbath?
Photo Background:
Cameroon Traditional Wedding
Difficult roads often lead to beautiful...
The eyebags in the image above are a BAD look, righteous people generally do not have those....
ARTICLE: Physical Manifestation Of Sins On The Body
In each preceding generation our forefathers, their wisdom, intelligence, stature, strength, agility & dexterity was increasingly, and many times so, greater than the Israelite...
More Information At The Link In The Top Menu, Also Posted Here: When Is The Sabbath?
Photo Backstory:
BellaNaija Weddings presents #StephMiTiDe1617 x #SoMykonos17 Stephanie Coker...
The demons (devils) of self-righteousness, speaking for experience, are very difficult to recognize on oneself--until very recently, I never really understood what being self-righteousness...
Yahawashi is the express image of our father, Yahawah. Worshipping Yahawahi is worshiping Yahawah. Worshipping any other image or likeness is idolatry.
John 14:7...
Article from Aria Nasi Research: Black Buddha & The Israelite Buddhists, traces the Israelite identify of the buddhas throughout antiquity
ALL of the heathen nations...
Honoring, respecting and obeying your father and mother in accordance with the scriptures is love--NOT how Esau-Edom's world claims is love. For love is...
Medieval Painting: Fieravino Francesco Il Maltese Allegory of Music Italy (c. 1670s) Oil on Canvas
The scoffers and sconers of the Word of Yahawash, who...