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Tuesday, January 21, 2025


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Yahawashi said, It is more blessed to give than to receive | Act 20:35

Not perfect... but here are a pair of faith building testimonies I found helpful which show how beautiful synchronicity...

Drawing Closer to the Most High: The Acid/Alkaline Foods List | Gen 1:29

Take a look at this is helpful information I came across about how to think about diet and eating....

A Time for Temple Cleansing | John 2:21

Each month that passes it becomes more and more clear that we need to start cleansing our bodies, our...

ApiJect, Mass Produced Vaccines & the Mark of the Beast | Revelation 13:16

The mark of the beast could now be administered as part of a mass vaccination program of the population....

Cop Refuses To Remove Video Flouting ‘Tyrannical Orders’ | Isa 19:2

Some of Edom’s greatest resistance will come from within their own ranks. Isaiah 19:2 And I will set the Egyptians...

It’s Not Pink – Creek Turns Bright Pink in Melbourne, Australia | Rev 16:4

Media is calling all of the rivers turning to blood, "pink" now...after exhausting excuses about alge bloom, dye plants...

Birds attacking a 5G tower | 2 Esd 5:8

2 Esdras 5:8 There shall be a confusion also in many places, and the fire shalbe oft sent out...

Great Works Incoming, Elijah vs Baal’s Prophets, Fire From Heavens | 1Ki 18:39

Part 1: Elijah vs Baal’s Prophets, Great Works Incoming, Fire from the Heavens  Part 2: Elijah vs Baal’s Prophets, Great...

Dream of Suburban Martial Law & Mark of the Beast Microchip | Joe 2:28

Joel 2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh;...

Truth Stranger than Fiction, DARPA “Hydrogel” Vaccine Delivery | Psa 64:2

Psalms 64:2 Hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked; from the insurrection of the workers of...

Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty | Zec 11:5

Zechariah 11:5 | Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty: and they that sell them say, Blessed...

Benjamin Netanyahu suggests microchipping kids | Revelation 13:16

Revelation 13:16 - And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive...

Out-of-Control Wildfires in Florida Destroy Homes | Mat 24:8

"Natural disasters" (really divine disasters) of all sorts are becoming more and more common across the United States and...

Fisherman Sailing Through a River of Dead Fish (Video) | Exodus 7:21

Dead fish and a stinking river, another explicit times of the end times and it is only going to...

Bill Gates alleged $10m bribe to Nigerian Gov. for compulsory vaccine bill | 2Th 2:3

The man of sin, the son of perdition, is Esau/the nation of Edom. Here is one of their elites...

A tale of two parks: social distancing under police scrutiny in Bronx | Micah 2:2

Par for the course in terms of prophecy, oppression by the wicked nation of Edom (Mal 1:4) inflicted upon...

AT&T’s AirGig makes sure you can’t avoid toxic EMF radiation | Isa 14:14

Critical part of the mark of the beast technology: Esau's pursuit to try and be like the Most High...

Fruits of Edom | Woman posts video punching her dog, faces investigation | Mat 7:20

Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. ARTICLE Woman who posted video punching her dog with...

How White Were the Israelites? Facial Reconstruction May Surprise | Jer 16:19

A small pinch of truth in the article, ultimately Esau knows who we are and eventually it will be...

Esau’s Vision for the World | Proverbs 29:2

More fruits of the nation of Edom under their ruler ship of the planet earth. Proverbs 29:2 When...

‘What’s the point of staying?’: Gulf faces expatriate exodus | Isaiah 13:14

More prophecy being fulfilled, people flocking back to their own nations, India (Elamites) issuing state sponsored rescue flights for...

Massive India repatriation to begin with flights from UAE | Isaiah 13:14

More prophecy being fulfilled, people flocking back to their own nations, India (Elamites) issuing state sponsored rescue flights for...

Wealth taxes, frozen bank accounts: Edom’s Elites Unveil Plans While World Distracted | Pro 22:3

Advertising but a headline that is worth thinking about...you may want to consider turning some of your paper/digital money...

Universities Implement Social-Credit-Style COVID-Surveillance System | Rev 13:16

One component of the mark of the beast rolling out in America...it is already being used in China on...

Shortage Leaves Many Wendy’s Restaurants Without Beef | 2Esd 6:22

2 Esdras 6:22 And suddenly shall the sown places appear unsown, the full storehouses shall suddenly be found...

America Has Become “The Land Of The Snitches” During This Pandemic | Pro 29:2

When the Edomites returned to power throughout the so-called Renaissance (literally meaning "rebirth) period, the nation of Israel was...

You may wind up homeless if you refuse the microchip | Luke 9:58

Video below going into this topic. Just as the Messiah had no place to rest his head.... Luke 9:58...

Plandemic Documentary The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid 19 | Psa 64:2

A part of secret and wicked counsel of the elites of Edom behind covid....video below. Psalms 64:2 Hide me...

Beards of the Nation of Israel | Leviticus 19:27

Exodus 19:6 And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the...

Gigantic Chariots, Deadly Chariots, Invading Chariots | 2 Esdras 13:3

The chariots can be the size of cities or even larger than the earth. Shapes vary (Zec 5:1-elongated, Ezekiel...

Coming back? Cannibalism During Man-Made Famine in 1920s Russia | Luk 21:11

According to prophecy, yes. But the worst to come will be after the persecution of the elect due to...

UFO: Pentagon releases three leaked videos – is the truth finally out there?

--- Chariots of Israel Mega Playlist Chariots & Other Videos Mimicing Prophecy Scripture Breakdown The chartiots are often disguised as clouds during the...

Heal the Mind and the Body for Spiritual Power | Sir 34:17

From the image above, a quote by Aristotle, an Israelite, as all the great philosophers of his time I've...

Chariot Sightings Skyrocket | Red Orbs From Virginia To Nevada | Exo 13:21

Exodus 13:21 | And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead...

Chariots Hidden in Clouds (Videos) | Revelation 1:7

Revelation 1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced...

Earthquake Hits Puerto Rico Causing Widespread Damage, Just Before One Struck Greece

Bad earthquakes all over the place...a sign of the end times and the quakes are only going to get...

Ex-Green Beret Fails Attempt to Oust Venezuela’s Maduro | Pro 4:16

Edomite's power to affect other nations is decreasing and their wicked plots are being exposed simultaneously. "Secret" coups have...

Hydrothermal Chimneys Belch Superheated Liquid in Sea off WA | Isa 24:12

Signs of awakening volcanoes all over the United States and one of the impending disasters that will bring about...

Governor closes all roads into a New Mexico city | 2 Esdras 15:17

A new precedent set in recent history of America and prophecy from 2 Esdras 15. All the roads going...

Spiritual Powers From The Most High Will Cause Many To Believe | 1Ki 18:39

Unmistakable spiritual powers and miracles, like in the account below, happened before and will happen again by the hand...

The Power of Words and Thoughts | Pro 16:24

Words, which are really just expressions of thoughts have the power to heal or harm. Build your spiritual power...

Food Supply Chain: Farmers Ordered to Destroy Crops, Livestock | Jer 42:17

This goes for all Israelites planning to trust in Esau and his system (spiritual Egypt)--whether that is for food,...

Everything Dies Under the Hand of Esau; 5G on Cruise Ships | Pro 29:2

Proverbs 29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the...

Boy Eaten by Stray Pigs After Wandering Outside in India | Wis 11:15

Wisdom of Solomon 11:15 But for the foolish devices of their wickedness, wherewith being deceived they worshipped serpents...

Crazy hail damages cars and homes in Louisiana, USA | Rev 11:8

A tiny portion of the plagues of destruction being sent to America, the spiritual successor to Egypt. Revelation 11:8...

Judas Goats in Israel


Serial Rapist Cop Found with ‘Thousands of Images’ of Victims on Phone | 2Th 2:3

Esau Edom's deeds done in dark coming to light. According to prophecy, the nation that hid themselves for so...

Strange Lights Glowing in the Night Sky Baffle Skywatchers Worldwide

Arcitle: Strange Blue and Purple Lights Glowing in the Night Sky Across the World Baffle Skywatcher --- Chariots of Israel Mega...

Spiritual Powers | Flight | Isaiah 40:31

Flight is a power revealed in the scriptures Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew...

Spiritual Powers in the Scriptures, Pyrokenisis| Luke 9:54

The at least some of the disciples of Yahawashi had the ability to destroy through fire and the scriptures...

Over 40% Of San Diego Residents Turned To Food Banks Last Month | Gen 41:55

The same situation happened when our ancestors were in Egypt. Gen 41:55 And when all the land of Egypt...

Spiritual Powers | Telekinesis | John 18:6

The time of the 144k re-developing our spiritual powers that visibly manipulate the world around us is nigh. Matthew...

Spiritual Powers | Energy Flow Hindrances in the Body | Gua Sha

One of the main physical hindrances to using powers (beside faith which is far and above #1) is stagnate...

US can’t boss everyone around anymore….


WW3 Prophecy: Iran’s Armed Forces Chief Vows to ‘Destroy’ US Warships


Leaked Amazon Memo: Workforce Diversity Prevents Unions | Psa 64:2

Secret counsel of the wick: the real reasons why corporates (ultimately vehicles of the wealthy Edomite elite) push diversity,...

Biden: Trump will try to delay the November election | Psalms 49:11

Who ever thought this possible in America. On a related note, the Edomites in general think they will rule...

Aerial Surveillance in Baltimore | Psalm 64:6

Esau, combining his traits as a hunter and artificer into an aerial surveillance program like no other we have...

US South: More Severe Weather Outbreaks With Tornadoes All Month | Mar 13:19

A warm up to the great calamity at "the end" of the end times. Mark 13:19 For in those...

‘The flood is coming’: Coronavirus could spur wave of business bankruptcies | Ecc 12:4

Ecclesiastes 12:4 And the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is...

Investors think the coronavirus has put the US economy into a Great Depression | Ecc 12:4

Ecclesiastes 12:4 And the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is...

UN Admits That Pandemic Could Spark Famines Of “Biblical Proportions” | Mat 24:7

Matthew 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and...

Human Lab Rats: US Government’s History Of Grisly Experiments | Psa 55:21

Psalms 55:21 The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his...

Dead Birds & 5G | Mystery “Pneumonia Illness” Kills Thousands of Birds in Germany | Pro 29:2

See previous posts/videos on how 5G's emf radiation interferes with the functioning of the body, in particular oxygen absorption. ...

Elam & Moab: India Opens Bridge on Border Sets Up China Face-Off | Mat 24:7

Two of the most powerful nations going at it in the end times, Moab & Elam. Trade wars lead...

Esau the Artificer | At Hospital 4-legged robots screen for Covid | Wis 14:18

Esau, every the artificer and at the forefront of using that work to present false miracles to the world,...

Kizzmekia Corbett the new Eunice Rivers? #TuskegeeExperiments | Lam 4:3

Dr. Kizzmekia S. Corbett, a viral immunologist working with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), is...

Expert Says U.S. is on the Brink of “Mass Civil Unrest” | 2 Esdras 9:3

Prophecy in action, civil unrest spoken of in "the end" of the end times~ 2 Esdras 9:3 Therefore when...

Leprosy Reversal? | Lev 13:3

One recently publicized case involves Covid (doubtful) the other involves a liver transplant. Both possibly Israelites, who knows. A...

Pork Shortages To Strike America In Two Weeks | 2 Esdras 6:22

2 Esdras 6:22 And suddenly shall the sown places appear unsown, the full storehouses shall suddenly be found...

Great fear fell upon them which saw them | Rev 11:11

Revelation 11:11 And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them,...

The Elites of the Other Nations Know Who We Are

The elites of the heathen nations knew who we were when we were brought into captivity, in particular Edom. ...

Fast like snails but destructive like tornadoes | 2Esdras 15:5

2Esdras 15:5 Behold, saith the Lord, I will bring plagues upon the world; the sword, famine, death, and...

45 Ongoing Eruptions With Activity From 52 Volcanoes So Far This Year | 2Esd 15:5

  VIDEO: Volcanoes Are A Hoax VIDEO: Volcano Lava Hoax ARTICLE: Earth’s Magnetic Field Is Weakening ARTICLE: The Poles Are Shifting, the Magnetic...

Israelite Behavior in the World

To better understand how Israelites behave vs heathen nations, requires the ability to discern which group is being spoken...

People are still living in FEMA’s toxic trailers | Pro 12:10, Sirach 12:10, Isaiah 36:6

Proverbs 12:10 A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked...

The ‘US lived off the fat of our land,’ says President Duterte | Gen 27:39

Esau's blessing and mercy coming to a close. Gen 27:38 And Esau said unto his father, Hast thou but...

MN governor eases lockdown after angry outcry from protesters | 2Esd 15:16

Just the beginning of the prophesies of 2Esdras 15 coming to pass. KJV 1611 version. 2 Esdras 15:16 For...

COVID19 Depression: 22 million file for unemployment, % in double-digits | Ecc 12:4

Ecclesiastes 12:3 In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall...

In Major Cities, Symptoms Attributed to Covid19 as Opposed to 5G Radiation Poisoning | Deu 28:27

Skin plagues in the bible as it relates to this article. The worst being leprosy i.e. lack of/destroyed skin...

“Texans Will not Take the Mark of the Beast” | Revelation 13:16

"Texans Will not Take the Mark of the Beast" Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich...

YouTube CEO: Anything against the WHO violates policies | Amo 8:11

This article concerns speaking out against the World Health Organization but at some point the Edomites will aggressively bar...

CDC’s failed coronavirus tests were tainted with coronavirus, feds confirm | Oba 8

As punishment for our sins, the Most High took away our wisdom and gave our nation into the hands...

‘Pedophile Hunter’ Catches Police Chief Trying to Have Sex with 14yo Boy | Joe 3:3

One of many instances of the fruits of Edom. This practice of pedophilia was inflicted upon the nation of...

Hundreds of Dead Seals Wash Ashore in Nova Scotia | 2 Esdras 16:19

A continuation of the previous articles: the fruits of Edom and a "foreshadowing" of things to come for people. ...

Fear Explodes Across Europe as Thousands of Birds Drop Dead | 2Esd 16:18

More signs & wonders and the fruits of Edom--telecommunications equipment/weaponry coming coming online, 5G, etc. The mass death of...

Signs and Wonders | The Updated, Modern Day Eagle of Obadiah 4

The eagle is symbolic of the nation of Edom both in the Holy scriptures of our ancestors and in...

Seed Shortages As Americans Turn To Growing Their Own Food | Isa 32:10

The vintage, crops, shall fail. Despite all the efforts at the everyday American to maintain food security, it will...

The Destructive Force Of Bank Credit | Hab 2:6

The Destructive Force Of Bank Credit ARTICLE AFTER COMMENTARY Hab 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time,...

The Poles Are Shifting, the Magnetic Field Is Flipping and This Will Get Nasty

***June 20th, 2023 Update New evidence for a human magnetic sense that lets your brain detect the Earth’s magnetic field "Brains...

Overcome Wicked with Good | Mat 5:44

We will go through tribulation when returning to, and, serving Yahawah ba ha sham Yahawashi (Yahawah in the name...

Rivers Running Red All Over the World | 2 Esdras 15:11

As the scriptures indicate, one of the plagues our ancestor Moses declared upon Egypt, through Yahawah our power, was...

Covid-19 and the Collapse of Cash | Revelation 13:16

The microchip is the prophesied mark of the beast. The beast is the league of Edomite nations, Nato and...

Microchip implants popular in Sweden | Revelation 13:16

The microchip is the prophesied mark of the beast. The beast is the league of Edomite nations, Nato and...

Signs & Wonders | Roaring Comets, the Sky is on Fire | Gen 1:14

A lot of people can tell you the weather forecast for the week but can tell you we are...

Heal the Mind First Then the Body Will Follow | Health

Yahawah is big on order. That theme is woven all through the scriptures. Yahawah above all. Yahawashi above King...

The Tender Mercies of Edom | Stimulus Checks | Proverbs 12:10

Proverbs 12:10 A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked...

Devastating Dust Bowls On the Way to Babylon | 2Esd 15:11

The past 400 years the nation of Israel has been led to the slaughter at the hands of the...

Recent Spat of Vivid Terrifying Dreams Sweeps Americans | Act 2:17

Act 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out...

1BR | The Fruits of Edom | Matthew 7:16

The fruits of Edom, example below, a movie based on real life, replete with perversity, depravity, wickedness, oppression, and...


18 Nations of the World

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Judah

Nation of Kings and Priests

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Gad

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Asher

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Levi

Chariots of the Most High

Vaccine Dream | Joel 2:28

What is the Bible?