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Tuesday, January 21, 2025


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CGI Masks Worn to Play “Characters” on the World Stage | Psalms 10:7

Esau has laid out one snare after the other in an attempt to trap men & women the Israelites,...

Faked Figureheads, Celebrities and Other “Characters” Played by Actors in Hyper-Realistic Masks | Job 12:16

If you can receive it, this was a big wtf moment for me but as the title states many...

3 Helpful Books of the Bible Which Show How to Live Righteously & Make Decisions + 3 Chapters Above Them All | Luke 11:28

3 great books for general life advice and decision making I keep coming back to weekly are: Wisdom of...

Held in Derision by Esau, Edom| NY Post Writes: Andrew Wiggins Still Has Vaccine Regret After Breakout Season | 2 Esdras 16:69

A series of nationally articles have come out by Esau recently, which subtly mock Andrew Wiggins for his covid19...

Job Prophesies A Nation of Foolish Degenerates to Rule Over Israelites Today: Dr. Birx Admits She, Fauci Made Up ‘The Science’ On Lockdowns, Social...

Here Job, a prophet, speaks to the nature of Edomites, the current ruling nation of people in the End...

Bugsnax: Demonic Posession and End of Edom Explained in a Cartoon Game | Revelation 9:21

Bugsnax is a computer game but also a metaphor for deominc posession and the downfall of Edom's reign. 2/3rds...

S. E. Suzar: Blacked Out Through Whitewash | Psalms 83:4

Continuing of the theme Esau with the heathen seeking to destroy the heritage, culture and connection of the Holy...

Images Slowely Altered Over Time: Originals Hidden, Destroyed or Painted Over, False “Historial Artifacts” Created | 1 Maccabees 3:48

The real images of the Israelites have been hidden over time. With the originals either, locked away or painted...

Kingdom of Kudara: the Trashed Truth of the Israelite (“so-called black”) Dynasties that Founded and Ruled Over Modern-Day China, Japan & Korea | Psalms...

Nehemiah 13:23 | In those days also saw I Jews that had married wives of Ashdod, of Ammon, and...

Pythagoras and the Wise “Ancient Greek” Philosphers were Israelites | Jeremiah 6:16

These Israelite philosphers got many things right and some things wrong. The translations of their work by Esau are...

Post Covid Vaccine Years: Life Insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% | 2 Esdras 16:19

Post Covid Vaccine Life in 2022 yielding the fruits of Edom's wickedness in the End Times. See below a...

Esau Attempts to Merge Man with Machine, Mark of the Beast Technology | Wisdom 14:11

Revelation 19:20 | And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him,...

10 Day Water Fast Experience | Matthew 17:21

Helpful video testimonials posted at the links below to get you started: VIDEO: 90 Day Water Fasting | No Food...

Edomite Historians Fail to Hide Severus, One of Rome’s “So-Called Black” Israelite Emperors | Job 9:24

Job 9:24 | The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: he covereth the faces of the...

What is going on in this image? | Ezekiel 37:18

Ezekiel 37: What happened before shall happen again, there is no new thing under the sun. 1 The hand of...

Zerohedge: From Today, All New Vehicles In The EU Will Have Surveillance Black Boxes | Psalms 64:6

Aritcle From Zerohedge: From Today, All New Vehicles In The EU Will Have Surveillance Black Boxes On the road to...

Testimony From An Israelite Princess, A “So-Called Filipina” By Edom | Romans 8:16

Romans 8:16 | The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:   ...

Who are the Saints According to the Bible? | Psalms 148:14

The Saints are the Israelite men. Our Holy Scriptures pertain to one nation of people, our people, which was...

Yahawah destroys Georgia Guidestones with Lightning | Psalms 144:6

King David (Dawada) praying to the most high for the Most High Yahawah to place his hand on the...

Its an Act of Deception: Being Aware of Edomites and their Crocodile Tears | Psalms 58:3

Jury didn’t buy Amber Heard’s ‘crocodile tears’ during Johnny Depp trial either Psalms 58:3 | The wicked are estranged from...

Moses and the Tablets | Exo 32:15

Depiction of an older Moses carrying the tablets. Note the incorrect Assyrian script written on the tablets; the Most...

Real Life Horror Movie by Edom, the daughter of Babylon | Obadiah 1:15

Obadiah prophesies the fate of the heathen, the Edomites in particular. They shall be rewarded with the same as...

American Edomite History | Deuteronomy 28:32

Photograph of horrific Israelite captivity by the Edomites in our final captivity in  the "land of the north" (Jeremiah...

Viruses and Bacteria DO NOT cause disease | Psalms 58:3

Esau-Edom's "healthcare" system: Job 13:14 | But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value. Psalms 58:3...

New Jersey: Unlock Grocery Store Food Cases with Your Smartphone | Revelation 13:17

People, younger generations in particular, are steadily being conditioned into the mark of the beast system. In certain stores...

The Lord’s Prayer | Matthew 6:9

The Lord's Prayer spoken in Hebrew Matthew 6:6 | But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when...

Wall Street Prognosticators’ Prophecy | 2 Esdras 15:16

See written here analysts at Bank of America, similar to other investment bankers, prognosticate recession and soaring food &...

Modern and Historical “European” Cannibalism | Luke 12:2

Though the Edomites have sought to present themselves to the nations of the world as angels of light and...

Esau’s Microwave Destroys your Food and Your Health | Proverbs 3:31

Proverbs 3:31 | Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways. Romans 12:2 | And be not...

Hebrew Prayer | Matthew 6:9

Prayer of the Messiah, Yahawashi in Hebrew Mathew Chapter 6 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art...

Pottinger’s Cats, Dr. Bobby Price on Testosterone Levels, Diet, Fatty Liver in your 20s 30s & 40s | Daniel 1:15

Esau-Edom knows all too well that the genetic damage inflicted by food flows from our seed to our offspring...

Italian City Introduces Social Credit Score Style System | Revelation 19:20

Revelation 19:20 | And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before...

Saying About “Great Minds vs Small Minds”, Reflected from Scriptures | Ephesians 4:29

"Conventional Wisdom" derived from the scriptures. Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people. "Small minds discuss people." 1Pe 4:15...

Amazon Palm Scanning Payments Arrive in Austin, Texas | Revelation 13:16

https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Revelation-13-16_13-17/ https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Revelation-13-16_13-17/ Source: https://reclaimthenet.org/amazon-palm-scanning-payments-arrive-in-austin-texas/ Amazon palm scanning payments arrive in Austin, Texas Privacy questions are being raised. By Christina Maas ...

Most Have Some Form of it Fatty Liver Disease | 1 Corinthians 6:19

You want a closer relationship with the Most High Yahawah ba ha sham Yahawahshi? You MUST clean your temple. 1...

Comets are Luminaries in the Waters Above the Firmament | Genesis 1:7

Images on top is a flashlight shown under water. Image below is a comet in the waters above the...

Young Edomites Discover That They Used to Worship (so-called) Black Dieties | Jeremiah 16:19

Edomites covered the faces of the judges (the Israelites) and painted over their likenesses on our holy images, in...

Edomite Marketing (Witchcraft from Pfizer) Peddles Pharmekia Using 2/3rd Israelites, Will Smith, Chris Rock | Psalms 50:19

Esau slandering Jacob's (the Israelites) name to sell poison (Job 13:4) to correct a problem (hairloss) caused by following...

Negative Emotions and Their Effect on Your Body, Your Temple | 1 Corinthians 3:17

1 Corinthians 3:17 | If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple...

Ukraine is a Testing Ground for MOTB Social Credit System in “the West” | Revelation 13:17

Pairing the turmoil with Ukraine with this article from StangeSounds starts to make a lot of sense. Esau historially...

Edom: The Wicked Hammer of the Earth | Jeremiah 50:23

An Elamite woman telling off Edomites of "the West" ~the modern day nations of America, England, NATO. Jeremiah 50:23...

Edomite AJ Attempts to Dodge Admission to “Blood Thirsty Edomite Behavior” | Psalms 64:8

Psalms 64:8 | So they shall make their own tongue to fall upon themselves: all that see them shall...

Yahoo News & EndOfTheAmericanDream.com: Beef Is Now A “Luxury Meat” | Revelation 18:8

https://finance.yahoo.com/news/americans-may-goodbye-steak-burgers-160603348.html http://endoftheamericandream.com/beef-is-now-a-luxury-meat-and-goldman-sachs-says-to-brace-for-one-of-the-largest-energy-supply-shocks-ever/ The writing is on the wall, it's only a matter of time before the plagues set in on Babylon...

Esau’s Moral Authority & Global Embarassment as Told by an American | Proverbs 30:20

Esau's America, the whore of Babylon and his/her foolish rulership over all nations being exposed for what it is...

The 144,000 Standing with Yahawashi

Image of the 144 thousand, clad in white as seen by the prophet Ezra (Esdras in our apochryphal books...

Glimpse into the Mind of Edomites | Habakkuk 2:4

Out of his own mouth in the video below. Habakkuk 2:4 | Behold, his soul which is lifted up is...

Many Chariots That Are Descending From The Heavens | Numbers 9:16

The chariots of Israel making their presence known more and more. Our ancestors in the past commonly saw them...

Edom’s World Stage Deceptions: War Propaganda | Revelation 20:8

Revelation 20:8 | And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the...

Elamite Woman Publicly Exposing Esau | Habakkuk 2:5

Habakkuk 2:5 | Yea also, because he transgresseth by wine, he is a proud man, neither keepeth at home,...

Why Yahawah Instructs us to Wear Certain Fabrics | Deuteronomy 22:11

Esau-Edom's scientists (inactuality, they are his priests under a different name) are discoving in the "name of science" why...

Dr. Sebi Condensed Guidelines | Proverbs 23:3

Avoid Esau-Edom's dainties. Most of the garbage sold as food today in America was not around even 50 years...

Vessels of the Most High | Acts 9:15

As Israelites, we are compared to vessels of the Most High Yahawah. In the book of Acts below, Yahawashi...

Why I Stopped Eating Meat & Consuming Milk Products | Wis 19:11

**January 2023 - I have resumed consuming meat (primarily fish, no red meat), if you choose to stop consuming...

Esau’s Food Pyramid is Corrupt | Ecc 12:10

Most of what Esau teaches & displays in the name of truth, health and morality goes against the Bible;...

Fruits Are The Top Healers for Your Body | Genesis 1:29

**January 2023 update - fruits do not clean toxic bile from the liver the way beans do, you need...

Angstrom Energy of Food | Genesis 1:29

The concept below expounds further on Dr. Sebi's wisdom of eating electrical foods. Genesis 1:29 | And God said, Behold,...

Jake Films Chariot Beaming Down Light In Neighborhood Of Dallas, Texas

A Jake (short for "a son of Jacob/Israel" a.k.a an Israelite) films a Chariot Beaming Down Light In Neighborhood...

City of the God Kings: Angkor Wat, Cambodia and Israelites/Black People, As Told By Locals | Psalms 83:4

Israelites built the great temples and empires of China, Japan, Thailand, etc., similar to the genocide of our ancestors...

80s Mark of the Beast Music Video | Luke 12:2

The nature of the world Yahawah created is that the devil must expose himself in some form or fashion. Luke...

Yahawashi’s Red Eyes | Rev 1:14

In a physical sense Yahawashi's red eyes come from the wine he drinks, in another it is because of...

Michael Ruark: US history riddled with massacres, genocide | Habakkuk 2:16

Habakkuk 2:16 | Thou art filled with shame for glory: drink thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered:...

Israelite Customs Survive in West Africa | Deu 28:64

Deu 28:64 | And the LORD shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth...

Hebrew: Yahawah Ba Ha Sham Yahawashi

Hebrew reads from right to left (English and other romance languages are backwards): Yahawah: the name of our Heavenly Father,...

Leperous (white) Hand of Moses | Exo 4:6

Leprousy is described as white skin, yellow hair and low follicle count, throughout the first books of the Bible....

Serial Killer Christopher Columbus Used Biblical Prophecies to Find the Israelites | Hab 2:16

Habakkuk 2:16 | Thou art filled with shame for glory: drink thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered:...

On Lookers Screaming With Fear Over Squid Like Apparitions

This "UFO" doesn't fit the Biblical description of chariots but these have popped up quite a bit in recent...

Who Are The Edomites Today? | Obadiah 1:3

2 Esdras 6:9 | For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of...

Israelite Fringes | Num 15:38

Ever notice that so-called medieval "knights" are oft depiected with borders or fringes on their clothing? A remnant of...

Esau Edom’s Fake Wars | John 8:44

VIDEO: WW2 Hoax Air Raids Be mindful of lies/deception, "re-writing" of history and pushing of propaganda, political theater, by Esau Edom...

King James Daemonologie PDF BOOK: A Treatise Which Exposes And Breaks Down Demonology, Witches & Witchcraft | Mat 10:16

PDF DOWNLOAD: King James Daemonologie, A Treatise Which Exposes And Breaks Down Demonology, Witches & Witchcraft Backup Link: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/25929/25929-pdf.pdf AUDIOBOOK:...

Ancient of Days, Yahawah | Dan 7:9

Description of the Most High Yahawah, also referred to as the  Ancient of Days, by Daniel. Dan 7:9 | I...

Breatharian Wiley Brooks on the Tomorrow Show | Psalms 82:6

Psalms 82:3 | Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. 4 Deliver the poor...

Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone: Breatharian Journey Of Elitom Elamin | Matthew 4:4

Matthew 4:4 | But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but...

Importance of Sleep is Misunderstood, Dr. Aris Latham | Jer 6:16

Jeremiah 6:16 |Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths,...

Dr. Sebi Unapproved Foods List | Proverbs 23:3

Proverbs 23:3 | 1When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before thee: 2And put...

CBDC’s and passport etc form the infrastructure for the MOTB system | Rev 13:16

Rev 13:16 | And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive...

Massive ‘ocean’ discovered towards Earth’s core | Jer 16:19

Food for thought article, neither is it expected to tell the full truth. There are many lies taught about...

The Fugitive Can’t Rest… | Genesis 25:27

As it is written and like the saying goes, there is no rest and no peace for wicked. The...

Temple Cleaning: A Healthy Alternative & Keli Starr Perspective | 1Co 6:19

"Non-Western" (Edom) perspective and ideas about disease, healing and cleaning your temple--bones here to spit out. 1Co 6:19 | What?...

TikToker reveals ‘cool’ way Disneyland employees prevent crowds | Micah 2:1

MotB technology in action. Interesting language, "its not actually tracking you, your rfid bracelet is just constantly scanned by...

Pfizer Demands Military Bases as “collateral” for anticipated lawsuits over vax Injuries: India | Rev 18:3

Rev 18:3 | For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the...

CGI Koalas Deceiving the Masses | Luke 8:17

Great example below about how the fake CGI becomes obvious when you know to look for it. When you...

Amazing Water & Sound Experiment #2 | Wis 13:4

Wisdom of Solomon 13| 1 Surely vain are all men by nature, who are ignorant of God, and could...

Dr. Sebi Approved Foods List | Gen 1:29

Dr. Sebi is brilliant when it comes to the modern day diet but most of his talks and interviews...

Cymatics: The First Author of Beauty Hath Created Them | Wisdom 13:4

We know Yahawah by the abounding patterns and beauty that underlay all of creations and processes governing them. It...

Nation of Kings and Priests

The scripture below tells of Moses speaking to the sons of Israel after being delivered from bondage in Egypt. Exodus...

Demonic Tones/Frequencies in Music | 2Co 2:11

Why I stopped listing to music. 2Co 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not...

How the Physical Counterpart to the Spiritual Devil Satan Deceives | Psa 64:8

See these videos by one type of modern day magician. These videos are great examples of Edom perfects the...

Top 10 Ways To Boost Your Faith | Hebrews 11:6

Hebrews 11:6 | But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to 'the Most...

Zombie Apocalypse – 1995 Mandatory Vaccine Prediction | Sir 12:10

The reference to Rwanda, is the Rwandan genocide in 1994, I searched around and read that it was quite...

Superior Civilization Destroyed by Yahawah’s Flood | Psa 64:8

One of the only video's by this guy worth watching. There is truth revealed here but falsehoods/bones you will...

thispersondoesnotexist.com | 2Co 5:7

Every time you refresh the site a brand new 100% orignal image of a person, that does not exist,...

Terrain Theory over Germ Theory | Dan 1:8

Great information at the video links below, eat around the bones. Scriptures below for contemplation. 1 Corinthians 3 | 16Know...

Edom’s Lament | Mat 24:12

See comments from members within Western society lamenting how they perceive basic human decency to be unraveling at the...

Dead Internet Theory: Deception More Normal than the Truth | Psa 52:2

Some food for thought about "Dead Internet Theory" which I think there is truth to--it is the idea that...

Health, Healing & Detox Testimonials | Sir 38:2

Helpful sources at the links below for natural remedies/modalities and testimonies of success. Always keep in mind: Sirach 38 |...

YT: Fake Virus From a Fake Animal | John 8:44

More fake animals from Esau-Edom. If you are old enough, you would never even heard of this one. Psalms...

Plato & the Bible: By Doing “Good” We Necessarily Increase Our Wisdom | Daniel 12:10

What I am sharing in this post was tremendously helpful to me in understanding how to increase faith and...

Esau-Edom Fakes Animals to Manufacture Human Evolution Theory | Job 13:4

Sharing a link to a playlist exposing fake animals. I didn't believe it at first but the but that...

Microchip Developer: There’s No Stopping The Microchipping Of Humans | Rev 13:16

It is a faith booster to read prophecy in action about the Mark of the Beast. Rev 13:16 And he...


18 Nations of the World

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Judah

Nation of Kings and Priests

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Gad

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Asher

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Levi

Chariots of the Most High

Vaccine Dream | Joel 2:28

What is the Bible?