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Saturday, February 22, 2025


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Many False Leaders Within Israelite Groups Will Be Exposed As Agents & Sellouts For Esau | Titus 1:10

Titus 1:10 | For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:...

Soon, The Blessing of Sevenfold Protection, And, Evenutally The Sword, Will Be Stripped From Edom | Isaiah 14:15

Luke 10:18 | And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Isaiah 14:13...

35 million Annual Flu Cases Drops To Near 0, How Modern Day Witchcraft (Deception) Can Manufacture Pandemics | Nahum 3:4

VIDEO: How Marketing, Wordcraft, Newspeak, Spellcraft Are Used To Manufacture Some Pandemics The year "covid19" was pushed in the media,...

Esau-Edom Never Went To The Moon, Mars, Or “Outer Space” And Never Will | Jeremiah 31:37

*Advanced topic disclaimer, you are going to have to watch the videos with discernment and spit out the bones,...

What Happened To The Tribe of Dan? | Genesis 49:16

Dan meaning "a judge" was the 5th son of Jacob, the 1st of Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid. In short, the...

Oxalates: Beware Eating A Raw Food Diet, High Volume Of Salads, For An Extended Period Of Time | 1 Corinthians 6:19

See the informative article about oxalates below. Oxalates are prevalent in certain leafy greens (that grit you feel on...

Fake Historical Portraits & Ice Age Propaganda From 1978, Can’t Trust Any Thing That Comes From Esau-Edom | Psalms 58:3

The wicked/Edomites need people, the Israelite man especially, to believe in their lies & have faith in their system...

There Is No Salvation By Calling On Any Other Names, Yahawah In The Name Of Yahawashi | Acts 4:12

The correct names are Yahawah, our Most High God and, Yahawashi, his Word and the Messiah of the Chosen...

Celestial Bodies, Immutable Laws of Reality And The Destruction of America’s Food Processing Facilities | Wisdom of Solomon 13:2

TWITTER VIDEO: Pilgrims pride food processing facility on fire the night before last night in Moorefield, West Virginia. ARTICLE: ...

So-Called Tartaria, the Technologically Superior Israelite Civilization Of The So-Called “Dark Ages,” Before The Rebirth Of the Edomite Empire (Renaissance Period) | Revelation 20:7

Advanced topic disclaimer, proceed at your own peril if you are not strongly rooted in the truth. There is...

Babylon (America): City Of (Gender) Confusion Is Breaking Down | Isaiah 24:10

Advanced topic disclaimer, watch with videos & read with discernment, spit out the bones, pray for wisdom. This is...

The 6 Different Types of Devils/Demons, Their Servitude To Yahawah And Their Characteristics | 2 Chronicles 18:18

This article demonstrates how little power the wicked, Esau-Edom actually has save for what is mercifully given unto him...

666 Is The Sign Of Edom & Their Beast System According To Prophecy, Not The Spiritual Devil Satan | Revelation 13:18

666 is the sign of Edom & their beast system according to prophecy. 666 is not the sign of...

Who Is Esau, Edom? Climate Lockdowns Show Us Through Biblical Prophecy | Genesis 36:8

Genesis 36:8 | Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir: Esau is Edom. Per the video above RE Edom's climate...

Israelite Men & Women Are And Will Be Saved Differently | 1 Timothy 2:15

For the sincere men of the Lord, who are using this grace period to return to our heritage, know...

Everyday Edomite: “I’m absolutely miserable. Totally void of any happiness or any other emotion” | 2 Thessalonians 1:6

2 Thessalonians 1:6 | Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompence tribulation to them that trouble...

What Is Gang Stalking?

Spit out the bones from this guy (listen with discernment) but he does bring out a lot of great...

“Smart” Is The New Euphemism For Monitor & Control | Psalm 64:6

Smart phones, smart, homes, smart cities, and the list goes on. The ultimate purpose is to further ensnare men...

Compendium Maleficarum PDF BOOK: Manuel For The Righteous On The Weaknesses And Limitations Of Demons, Devils, Witchcraft, Sorcery & Enchaments | Numbers 23:23

PDF Download: Compendium Maleficarum Text File: Compendium Maleficarum Isaiah 47:12 | Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the...

So-Called Vaccine Death Twirls, SADS, Grand Mal Seizures, Tonic Clonics, Falling Sickness And Modern Day Demonic Possession | Luke 9:42

Scriptural references to death and injury by fear and/or demonic attacks: Wisdom of Solomon 17:15 | Were partly vexed...

Kuwaiti Academic Identified Parasites Linked To Changing Sexual Behavior, Addiction To Anal Sex | Romans 1:24

Esau-Edom was putting out into the mainstream news a decade+ ago: toxoplasma gondii parasite producing permanent changes brain chemistry...

Nation of Edom Increasing Chemtrailing Activity Over The Earth | Daniel 7:25

We are living in the time & season of the fall of the Edomite rule over the earth, represented...

Understanding The Mindset Of the 2/3rds Israelites | 2 Thessalonians 2:11

VIDEO LINK: Understanding The Mindset Of the 2/3rds Israelites   As it is written there are Israelites that the Most High...

Central Banks Are Eventually Going Bankrupt, The Wicked Flee And Get Destroyed Anyway | Proverbs 22:3

Youtube Video: Central Banks Going Bankrupt? At some point this propped up economic system is going to collapse. You don't...

Edom’s New Mainstream Narrative “Oops We Actually Did Poisoned You.” | Job 13:4

Esau-Edom starting to go mainstream with the new narrative "oops we actually did poisoned you." The bloodclots they are...

Biblical Gemstones Are Anisotropic, Have A Special Lustre, Unique Light Properties, Diamond Does Not | Rev 21:19

The 12 gemstones referenced in our scriptures below have unique properties and represent the 12 Houses of Israel. Rev...

Edom’s Crisis Actors & The Deceptive Theater Charming People Into Thinking It Is Real Life | Revelation 20:7

Twitter Video Of Crisis Actors/Agents Sorcery (a modern day form of deception) Revelation 20:7 | And when the thousand...

Great Persecution On The Israelites Is Prophecy And Is Coming | John 15:20

Lesson on the coming persecution from: YT Channel GMS Awakening 144 Ha Ahmawan Gabbar The Wisdom of Sirach in the...

The Image Of Messiah and Most High God of Israel | Revelation 1:14

Revelation 1:14 | His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes...

Fix Your Health With Liver Flushing | Matthew 17:18

Death and degeneration of the body comes from engaging in sin. Subsequently, demonic entities are  given permission by the...

Image Of A Bodhisattva (Enlightened One) In China | Song of Solomon 1:5

Song of Solomon 1:5 | I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the...

Clinics across Massachusetts offering $75 gift cards for COVID vaccines and boosters | Ecclesiastes 7:7

Ecclesiastes 7:7 | Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad; and a gift destroyeth the heart. As it is written,...

Aria Nasi Research: The Buddhas Of Asia: India, China, Japan, etc. Were All Israelite (Deceptively Called “Black”) Men | Luke 8:17

Article from Aria Nasi Research: Black Buddha & The Israelite Buddhists, traces the Israelite identify of the buddhas throughout...

Simeon Toko, Israelite With God-Like Abilities, Summoned Angels To Fight Against Genocide By Belgians (Edomites), In The 1960s | Isaiah 40:31

Simeon Toko summoned an army of angels to fight off the wicked Belgian Edomites who committed genocide of over...

Shakespeare Is An Israelite (So-Called Black Man) | 1 Maccabees 3:48

The Edomites not only painted over the images in our holy books but also our renowned historical figures, like...

PDF Amalek And The So-Called Protocols Of The Wise Men Zion | Psalms 64:5

The Edomites, lead by their chief tribe called Amalek, are prophesied to hold the Israelites & our holy land...

What Should I Do Now? | 1 Timothy 4:13

1 Timothy 4:13 | Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Read, study & keep...

If your going through it, you can get through it. Trust in the LORD | 1 Corinthians 10:13

From: GMS Israel Will Prevail144 Ecclesiasticus 2:5 | For gold is tried in the fire, and acceptable men in the...

When the U.S. Petro Dollar Reserve Currency Gets Displaced | Habakkuk 2:6

Per the video, the ground work is being laid by Russia and China and now is only a matter...

European Digital Passports Here From China | Joel 2:1

The digital covid/finance passports are well under way in Europe and the United States, as they have already been...

Native American Girls Describe the Genocide Behind Thanksgiving | Amos 5:21

Native American Girls Describe the Genocide Behind Thanksgiving Over 100 million Native American's (Israelites) were murdered by the Edomite settlers...

Sign Of The Times: Spirit Of Judah Resisting Edomites Openly | Zechariah 12:4

Per the seemingly minor, but symbolic of the times, video example above, a portion of the men & women...

“Black” Wall Street Bombings: The Wickedness Of Edomites Being Exposed More And More | Habakkuk 2:16

Video: Jake tried but... Article: In a single horrifying night in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1921, nearly 40 square blocks were...

Israelite Women Returning Back To Order, Repenting From Esau-Edom’s Ways | Genesis 3:4

Eve (Israelite women) waking up to the serpent (Esdau-Edom) and his lies. The apple from the tree is an...

Esau Edom Being Made Bare, The Edomites Will Not Be Able To Hide | Jeremiah 49:10

Video: Breakdown from GMS Dallas on who the Edomites are The Edomites are the last ruling nation before the return...

Prophecy of Shortages: The Full Storehouses Shall Suddenly Be Found Empty | 2 Esdras 6:22

Prophecy of Shortages: the full storehouses shall suddenly be found empty The video above provides some food for thought about...

Increasing UFO (Chariot) Sightings Scaring People Around The World | 2 Kings 6:17

The Chariots of Israel in the Bible and modern-day UFO sightings are one in the same. They are also...

Harmful or Mucus-Forming Foods List, Excerpt From Arnold Ehret | 1 Corinthians 6:19

PDF Attachment: Mucusless_Diet-Summary-Arnold-Ehret Arnold Ehret wrote books on health, diet, fasting, "disease" and other topics which are recommended reading to...

America’s Federal Reserve Implementing Policies For The Mark Of The Beast | Rev 13:17

Joel 2:1 | Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all...

Rising Awarness In The West About The Demonic Nature Of Parasites & Diseases | Luke 8:17

Luke 8:17 | For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall...

Fiery Chariots Descend From The Heavens Over The Night Skies Of Homestead, Florida

    — Chariots of Israel Mega Playlist Chariots & Other Videos Mimicing Prophecy Scripture Breakdown The chartiots are often disguised as clouds...

The Fractal Universe, Biblical Allegory & Symoblic Breakdowns From Our Forefather Moses Maimonides | Psalms 104:24

The universe we live in, like the Bible is in one sense, a harmonious fractal of ever repeating patterns...

Edomites’ Desire Is As Hell And Is As Death And Cannot Be Satisfied | Habakkuk 2:5

You know them by their fruits Habakkuk 2:5 Yea also, because he transgresseth by wine, he is a proud man, neither...

The Amalakites Are Literally Telling You Your Israelite Identify Was Stolen By Them | Psalms 64:8

Revelation 3:9 | Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews,...

Amalek’s Weakening Media Control Still Pours Out Filth Over The Tribe of Judah | Exodus 17:16

Video: Former Music Exec Exposes Edom/Amalek's Modus Operandi Of Pushing Out A Culture of Filth Via Music Video: Link to...

So-Called Schizophrenia: Understanding Oppression By Devils in Modern Day (The End Times) | Matthew 17:21

Video: What Schizophrenia Feels Like Ephesians 6:12 | For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against...

Israelites Have Rhythm, Hamites Don’t, We Are Not So-Called “Africans” (This is an African/Hamite) | Act 21:38

Most West Africans are Israelites, East Africans are more likely to be Hamites; however, as it is written in...

Every Lie Has An Expiration Date | Luke 8:17

The nature of the true progenitors of so-called "European" civilization is one of many such lies. Luke 8:17 |...

Honor Your Father & Mother | Exodus 20:12

Honoring, respecting and obeying your father and mother in accordance with the scriptures is love--NOT how Esau-Edom's world claims...

Faith & Works: What To Strive For And How To Do It | Matthew 5:16

Faith Hebrews 11:6 | But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to YAHAWAH must...

谁是美洲黑人说的 Hebrew Israelites (希伯来的伊斯拉埃利特)?

Lou Jing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ewku... Ding Hui: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6kBq... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6kBq... Ariana Miyamoto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-5sH... "Blacks" (Hebrew Israelites) in Ancient Chinese Art, Statues: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2B8h... "Black" & Cambodian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1iBJ...     Further Research: Shabbat...

Video: Edomites Are Understandably Scared But See That Ye, As Israelites, Be Not Troubled By The Coming Evils | Matthew 24:6

See that you are not troubled at the great evils the Most High will bring upon the 2/3rds Israelites...

List Of Toxic & Healthy Food Oils: Ghanian (Israelite) Doctor Exposes Why You Can’t Trust Men Or Women Of Edom With Your Health |...

Common Healhty Oils: Olive, Coconut, Palm, Shea Although healthy oils include coconut, plam and olive particularly as the are readily...

Hammites Rejecting The Wine (Culture of Sin) of Edom’s Modern Day Babylon a.k.a. America

At the video below an example of Hammites rejecting the wine of Babylon. As the Most High debases the...

This Is the Wickedness Of Edomites; They & Their Descendants Will Not Go Unpunished As It Is Written | Proverbs 11:21

Edomites will not escape judgement for any of the wickedness they have done to the Israelites, this specific series...

Degenerate Edomite Thief | Micah 2:2

Through the Sprit, Micah speaks first of the wicked of our nation but second of the so-called "elite" of...

These Are Parasites Not Clots, Not “Nano-Bots” | Ezekiel 8:10

What this video discusses are parasites growing in people's bodies, NOT blood clots. These parasites that the scientists of...

Edom’s So-Called Diversity Iniatives Are Just Another Lie To Snare Israelites In Their Failing Rulership | Psalms 10:7

Video: Aba & Preach @CoryxKenshin Learns That "Diversity" Is Bullsh*t The Israelites will always have wicked treatment under the...

Our Women Were Once The Glory Of Our Men | 1 Corinthians 11:7

1 Corinthians 11:7 | For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the...

Entreat Scoffers And Scorners Whether Heathen or Israelite With Compassion | Luke 6:27

Medieval  Painting: Fieravino Francesco Il Maltese Allegory of Music Italy (c. 1670s) Oil on Canvas The scoffers and sconers of...

The Edomites Kingdom Will Fall And They Will Go Back Into Captivity | Lamentations 4:21

This video, in so many words, exemplifies a series of biblical prophecies. The scriptures are alive and if you...

Be Not Curious In Unnecessary Matters | Ecclesiasticus 3:23

The accepted convention of the world is to be curious or worldly wisdom, always seeking to investigate others, figure...

Repentence Involves 3 Points | Luke 13:5

As we speed faster and faster towards the end of the Edomites reign and the eternal reign of the...

Water Fasting Healing, Experiences, Testimonials & How To | Psalms 109:24

Helpful video testimonials posted at the links below to get you started: VIDEO: 90 Day Water Fasting | No Food...

List of Clean vs Unclean Foods | Leviticus 11:2

Suggested Israelite diet linked here Laws of clean and unclean foods below and (partially) in the graphic above. *Note the graphic...

Prestor John: Israelite Emperor Erased From History | Revelation 20:3

Prestor John was a "Christian" Emperor who ruled over Asia during the so-called "Dark Ages". This is also true...

“Japanese” and “Portuguese” Israelites That Look Like The Heathen (non-Israelite) Nations | Deuteronomy 28:64

Here are 2 examples of an Israelite strangers from Japan and Portugal, that look like they are of the...

Are Most Men & Women of the Caribbean Israelites? | Jeremiah 16:15

Yes, a mix of the Southern Kingdom from the Americas slave trade and the Northern Kingdom from their earlier...

Moabite (Chinese) Government Official Tweets Truth About the United States (End Times Babylon, great city of Edom) | Revelation 6:4

Revelation 6:4 | And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that...

Example Of A So-Called White Man That Is An Israelite But Looks Like An Edomite | Romans 8:16

At the link below is an example of an Israelite that looks like an Edomite--he gets some things wrong...

Christ Pantocrator, Image of the Messiah (A So-Called Black Man) Before It Was Painted Over | 1 Maccabees 3:48

Christ Pantocrator and other Russian icons that were painted over by the Edomites, led by Amalak, as seen below: Scriptural...

Russian Icons: Southern Kingdom Israelites (So-Called Black People) Ruled Over Europe | Job 9:24

Job 9:24 | The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: he covereth the faces of the...

Celebrating Birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day Are Wicked Heathen Customs | Amos 5:21

See graphic above. Birthday celebrations are of the ways and customs of the heathen. It is a form of...

Are Most West Africans Israelites? | Matthew 24:15

Yes, this is where a portion of the Southern Kingdom fled to (in addition to Modern Day Europe+Russia+Asia) and...

Are Most Central & South Americans Israelites? | Matthew 13:24

Yes, generally from the Northern Kingdom who Esau categorized as Aztecs, Incas, Mayans, Latinos, Native Americans, etc. However, there...

“I Am Black” | Song of Solomon 1:5

Description of King Solomon's dark, melanated skin. Kedar is also a reference to very dark skin, the descendants of...

Synaxis of the Archangels (Look Like So-Called Black Men) Before It Was Painted Over During Edom’s Renaissance Period | Revelation 13:3

Cover image is the "Synaxis of the Archangels" before it was painted over by Edom during their Renaissance Period...

Dr. Sebi: Teaches Electrical vs Hybridized Foods, How the Alkaline Body is Electric Health | Deuteronomy 22:9

In the video below, Dr. Sebi teaches about electrical vs hybridized foods and how that many vegetables today are...

Earliest Known Image Of The Messiah, Yahawashi, From The Coptic Museum In Cairo, Egypt | Luke 8:17

Earliest known image of the Messiah, Yahawashi, (who the world ignorantly call Jesus Christ), from the Coptic Museum in...

Dr. Sebi: Carrots, Spinach, Broccoli, Cauliflower & More Are Hybrid Vegetables, Unfit for Eating | Proverbs 23:1

In the clips below Dr. Sebi speaks on broccoli, a hybrid vegetable with an unnatural and incomplete molecular structure....

Who Are The Strangers We Are To Love? How Do We Love? | Deuteronomy 10:19

Deuteronomy 10:19 | Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. We, the Israelites,...

Never Trust Thine Enemy – Apparently More Discreet Deletions from the CDC Website | Ecclesiasticus 12:10

The "mainstream narrative" surrounding covid, the vaccines, mRNA, spike proteins, etc. continues to change, with lots of humble "back-tracking",...

HIRC Forum is Live, Link Within | Matthew 18:20

See the following link below for the HIRC Forum. You are invited to suggest topics, ask questions, share testimonies,...

Crucifixion of Our Messiah Yahawashi | Revelation 1:14

As it is written in the Bible, the Holy Scriptures of the Israelites, our Messiah has skin the color...

Mark of the Beast Normalization in America-Babylon | Revelation 13:17

See the video below for Mark of the Beast Normalization in America-Babylon, which is slowly being dripped out into...

Unusual Cloud Formations Often Hide the Chariots of Israel | Revelation 1:7

Ominous is the word that comes to mind for the video clip below. While it is not necessarily a...

Historical Account of Yahawah Moving Mountains by Famed Merchant Explorer Marco Polo | Mark 11:23

Mark 11:23 | For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed,...

Marco Polo: Ancient Historical Figures Write About and Reveal Location of Noah’s Ark | Matthew 7:7

The famed merchant-explorer Marco Polo, who was most likely and Israelite, traveled through the Silk Road in Asia (so-called...

Cautionary Tale of Putting Any Man Or Any Organization Above the Word of the Most High | Luke 6:32

Source: SpiritualLifeLesson Losing sight of the simplicity that is of Yahawah ba ha sham Yahawashi and putting faith in any...

Mark of the Beast : Esau/Edom Wants To Implant A Chip in Your Brain | Revelation 13:16

Interesting video on the Mark of the Beast & Metaverse, brought to us by the nation of Edomites. Think...


18 Nations of the World

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Judah

Nation of Kings and Priests

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Gad

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Asher

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Levi

Chariots of the Most High

Vaccine Dream | Joel 2:28

What is the Bible?